television (swallow my doubt turn it inside out)

Aug 14, 2005 13:38

Upon watching five episodes of Battlestar Galactica, and also that one episode on Friday...

Yes. You are all right. I enjoy it. A lot more than I expected to, even. I finished ep 5 (I'm rewatching it now because my mom kept calling me in and I think I missed large parts of "plot", although in fairness I'm not really following "plot" to begin with), and am having cats_paw send me ep 6. And any more. (If anyone wanted to yousendit me some files? That would not go unappreciated.)

Although, interestingly, while I want more, I'm not enjoying it much fannishly? Like... for all people talk about how crazy-fannish-addictive it is, I find it immensely enjoyable, but not in a "need-fic-meta-icons" kind of way. Mostly just in a "yes, this is fun" way. And in a wanting-more way. And even in a "maybe someday there will be, if there's that extra burst of stuff that I want". But is there any point in the series, for all of you, that shifted you from "enjoying" to "crazymadfannish"?

Jen and Sheila, once again, win the prize at guessing most of the charaters I like; I adore Six, Laura, and Boomer. I also heart Baltar something crazy, in large part because he IS crazy. Six/Baltar just makes me happy, because that is so fucked up and so psychotic. Baltar makes me giggle every time he shows up, and this makes him so amazingly creepy. Six is just hot.

Laura has not said a word which is not manipulating someone, and the more she says the more I like her, and the hotter she is. Like, the way she told Lee she has cancer in particular, but all over- the woman is crazy mad powerful, and uses that to her best advantage so that everyone's underestimating her. Which is awesome.

Boomer is just fucking awesome. All verisons of Boomer. I do not feel this needs explanation.

I am neutral on both Adamas, in that I find them both extremely well-acted and reasonably interesting but not horribly compelling. Like, I like both of them, but I'm not sitting her squeeing over either. In terms of Lee/Kara? Just not interested. On any level. But then, I was not horribly interested in Starbuck/Zak either. Or Starbuck/...anyone, actually.

Dude, I feel, like, bad about not liking Starbuck, because she is who everyone said I would adore. And I do like Starbuck more as time goes on, and in fact at this point like her a lot, but she's just not grabbing me. Like, even when I like her a lot, and I totally feel her, because she is both well-acted and well-written, I feel like something's missing. Like I've seen her story before, if that makes sense? Like, everyone told me I'd like Starbuck because she's just like [X] (everyone had a different X), and at the end of the day, I don't find her to be just like X (whoever X may be), but I also find her plotline thus far... not predictable, exactly; that would be unfair, especially since I'm spoiled to all shit. But I feel like I've seen it before? I don't know. I'm struggling with this, because there is absolutely nothing about the Starbuck plotline that's hit a false chord (current plotlines excepted; child abuse + stolen ovaries = I am a world of not interested in this), and yet it's just not grabbing me the way Laura's, Boomer's, or Baltar and Six's have.

In short? Scully is still my Starbuck of choice.

Beyond that, I don't necessarily know a lot of characters well enough to comment on them, or even like them, but I'm fascinated by them; Zarek would be a key example of this. Oh, and I love Cally, and I think I love most of the others on that staff, but totally cannot retain names. This show has a lot of characters.

Also, if I'm expected to be following plotlines, you may have recruited the wrong fangirl. At this point I am almost Alias-like in how much I do not put the plotlines here together; I need, like, BSG Cliff Notes. Failing that, a desktop computer not making thse weird whispering noises that periodically distract me from plot. Do you think those are available on LJ?

So, yeah. I'm enjoying a great deal, if not the way all people thought I would be. I'm waiting patiently for more episodes; failing that, I will be starting on the Doctor Who twinkledru hooked me up with, because Jules is wise and gave me a whole season at once, or the FMA or YNM from boniblithe.

...Have I mentioned that while I was gone the TV, VCR, and TiVo remotes were all misplaced and have yet to be found? I swear, it is throwing the entire way I would normally be spending this summer. I mean, I have 80 hours of TV to unload, and 30 tapes to label besides!

tv: bsg

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