beaver (songs that made the hit parade)

May 11, 2005 01:18

That absolutely bit.

I wasted a year of my life on that?

I'm seriously... near tears.

That was't well-done as mystery, that wasn't well-done as noir, and that wasn't well-done as VMars.

It's not that it had to be Lianne. It's that it had to be plausible.

Why are all the characters caricatures, and all the subtleties cartoonish parodies of themselves, and half the plotlines (hey, why was Lianne being blackmailed?) just dropped?

And what the fuck happened to the Veronica I love?

I haven't read anyone else's comments yet, but if this is going to be another week of Jen, Sheila, and Amy Are Bitter and Hate You All, which judging by the squeeing I'm guessing I did?

I'm fine with that.

Everyone else is clearly watching a different show.

So come on. How'd yours end?

I really want to know.

ETA: And that was not a fucking cliffhanger. Oh my GOD. This show was never ABOUT the ships.

Or maybe, you know what? Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe that's what it was about all along.

And maybe that's why I'm one of the only ones who didn't enjoy this episode.

tv: vmars

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