
Jul 19, 2014 15:52

Hello, LiveJournals and/or Dreamwidths. I haven't been here in ages.

(It is really weird to acknowledge that I haven't been here in ages. It is even weirder to have not been here in ages.)

I'm petty much always on Tumblr and Twitter now, so if you want to reach me, those are the social-networking blogs of choice. Also I'm always on GTalk and AIM ( Read more... )

how does lj tagging work again, yes hello i am broken, i'm even tagging here like it's tumblr, oh god i don't know what i'm doing anymo

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elucreh July 20 2014, 01:54:44 UTC
You are at SDCC?????? AWESOME!!!!

...if there are, by any chance, Agent Carter posters left, I would like one. PLEASE. PLEEEEEEASE. (The one I saw was AoS/Agent Carter but just plain Agent Carter would also do if they don't have any more dual-show ones.) Apparently it is free? If that is inaccurate I will gladly pay up to $35 for it. I would also, if you can manage it, LOVE a t-shirt. In order of preference: Agent Carter SSR shirt, Welcome to Level 7 shirt, Blueprints of the Bus shirt. Only one (bc I am, alas, not a millionaire) but you know, if they're out of SSR then Level 7, etc. Up to $35 again. At least an XL and if it comes bigger than an XL I would love the biggest ones they have (I sleep in 'em.) I can paypal you or...whatever! If paypal doesn't work for you let me know what form of payment works for you.

If it's too expensive or doesn't come big enough then just...stroke the ones for smaller/richer people for me, if you can get away with it :D

If that works for you let me know and I will e-mail or Tumblr-ask you my address (glad to pay for shipping!)

Also I am very pleased that you are on Tumblr and Twitter bc I miss you like crazycakes.


elucreh July 20 2014, 01:56:09 UTC
I am going to poke around on your Twitter but be warned that if I can't find answers there I will definitely be back here demanding to know how your job is going and how you're handling family, etc.


elucreh July 20 2014, 02:16:00 UTC
Okay, so twitter tells me your family takes as much coping as ever...what about your job? Are you still with the same agency? How is it going?


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