(no subject)

Apr 03, 2013 13:26

Hello, the internets! I have been super busy and thus not updating.

Okay, that's pretty much a lie. "Busy" here is defined as "I am terrible at taking care of myself." Not that that's news for anyone, but it constantly surprises me, like someday I will magically be a competent adult. Instead, I rely on friends, because my friends are awesome, and they have collectively convinced me that it would be okay to stay home from work today because I feel crappy and congested and non-functional even though I am not actually at death's door. So because I'm not at work today, I am awake and processing thoughts for the first time in a while, and thus at the update screen.

Of course, now I can't remember what to update about. Let's see.

I went to MJ two weeks ago! That was pretty awesome. I talked about Avengers and robots and Avengers and friendships and maybe a little about Avengers too? Also I forced Black Widow comics on people, because I'm a good friend. Plus, I got to spend a little bit of time with a lot of awesome people and a lot of time with a few awesome people, which isn't a terrible average at all. If I met you there and didn't friend you back yet, you should probably let me know; I think I caught up today, but fuck-all if I know.

The best part of the con for me (sorry, wonderful people I saw) was probably the craft table. I keep putting off collaging when I'm at home because of anxiety and forgetting how tension it actually relieves. None of the things I made at the con were particularly complex or good, but the process itself reminded me that I really do want to be collaging more. This morning I re-sketched some of my minimalist collage ideas. I've been plotting these since SDCC '12; it's stupid for me to not at least give it a shot.

Last week was Passover. It's always kind of awful, but also valuable in a weird way, not the least of which is that it's nice to engage in non-pathological food rituals. My one regret is that I didn't finish (or, let's be honest, more than start- I barely have 2000 words) the Passover sequel to my Avengers Yom Kippur fic. I can't decide if it's even worth finishing and posting now that Passover is over; it kind of defeats the purpose of holiday fic when it isn't even on the holiday.

I know I keep saying this but I am still constantly SO AMAZED AND EXCITED that I am producing creatively in fandom! There are constantly ideas! This isn't "Passover is over so ALL OF MY FIC OPTIONS FOREVER ARE DEAD" but rather "If I abandon the Passover fic, I can work on the Iron Man Musical story or the de-aged Natasha story or the Phil/Natasha and Clint/Natasha negotiating-boundaries story or the Coulson and Natasha develop telepathy story or the one where the reason it's so hard to find certain action figures is that in their down-time from Avengers and SHIELD initiatives, Natasha and Phil break into factories and destroy anything that might hurt their ability to go undercover." PLUS the collages. It's been almost a year since I fell back into this fannish state, so I'm not sure when it will stop being exciting and revelatory. I figure I still have at least a few months.

Also, if you have any suggestions for which I should work on, I would not say no.

ANYWAY. My point is- that's a lie, I really have no point. But I'm home sick without being on death's door so I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with my time, and you all seemed like a delightful alternative to gloating over completed logic puzzles or complaining more about the new Avengers box set.

Cross-posted at http://fox1013.dreamwidth.org/112058.html. Comment wherever you feel more comfortable.

con: muskrats!, fandom is awesome, all artistic-like, jewcore

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