I'm sure there are ten million new Steve/Tony fics being written EVEN AS WE SPEAK, but if anyone sees or writes the story about how the Avengers THINK they solved things but it was actually the Murrys and the O'Keefes who actually understand what a tesseract IS, I would very much like a link.
That was... IDK, very much a Joss film, in both the good and the bad ways, which means I think I have mixed feelings but I haven't sorted them out yet. I'll probably have more thoughts once I am more familiar with the franchise; this movie made me want to go out and rent the origin stories for most of the characters (or at least for Iron Man if nothing else), so that's a good sign, right?
Mostly, though, I am distracted, because this entire movie probably could have been solved if a single one of those so-called superheroes were well-acquainted with Patrick's Rune.
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http://fox1013.dreamwidth.org/90790.html. Comment wherever you feel more comfortable.