Dec 25, 2011 10:54

You know how there's always that one story you really WANT for Yuletide? Like, you'd be happy with any of the stories you get, because you love all of the fandoms you requested, but you still have to put in a little time to be like "You know you won't get this one, even though you love it MOST, but you will be happy with any of the others just as much, so relax, the other things will be just as awesome, and probably people couldn't do your sekrit wish as well as you'd want them to, anyway, so it would have just been a disappointment."

BEST LIE I EVER TOLD MYSELF OMG. Because I got up and there was JELLICOE FIC and it is ALL FOR ME and it is EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED and I am seriously sitting here muttering to myself things like "omg faaaaaaaaamily" and "THEY ALL LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH" and basically kermitflailing all over the internets.

Knowing What to Keep has spoilers for Jellicoe, so if you haven't read the book it may not make as much sense, but if you have, oh my gosh, it will PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE with its awesome and its heartbreaking and its NO REALLY GUYS THIS IS SO AWESOME I CANNOT EVEN TELL YOU. Go read it!

And I am not doing that "drabble for anyone who figures out which one I wrote!" thing, because frankly, I have written many Yuletide fics which were transparently me, but none quite so much as this. If you don't figure it out, you're probably beyond help.


Cross-posted at http://fox1013.dreamwidth.org/79523.html. Comment wherever you feel more comfortable.

fic: yuletide, lit: jellicoe road, and-hearts-semicolon

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