Yuletide Letter

Nov 19, 2011 18:55

Hi, Yuletide Writer!

First of all, I am super-excited that you offered any one of my fandoms; not too many people did, and I love all of these fandoms basically more than anything else on the internets right now (except my flist, I love you guys more, I promise) (well, some of you at least).

Probably, right now, you are either full of glee or full of horror at what your assignment is.

If it's glee: Great! Embrace whatever you wanted to write, and I promise you will make me happy.

If it's horror: Don't worry! I am incredibly easy to please. Just knowing there's something JUST FOR ME is enough to make me giddy, and this will even be in a fandom I care about, which is amazing to me. Everything else is kind of a fringe benefit.

In any case: if you want more guidance, I hope this is helpful:

I'm sure it's possible to come up with something I wouldn't be interested in in this fandom, but I've thought long and hard and seriously, nothing is coming to mind. I love the entire world this story created, and I love the characters who live in it. My one issue is that I'm not too interested in any characters in a vacuum. Even if it's something like Tate and Narnie, or Hannah and Taylor (both of which I would LOVE), I at least would like references to other characters or events. I would love a story about family, and the combination of the family you have and the one you make. Given the first line of the book (and, you know, the ENTIRE REST OF THE STORY), I am obviously not requesting no death in this story, but I would prefer it if you don't heap TOO much misery on the characters, who have had it hard enough. Unless you think that's the best story you can tell, in which case, go for it.

I'm almost afraid to say anything specific here, just in case you haven't read it but want to because you don't like the request in whatever your chosen fandom is, so I don't want to spoil it. If you check my Dear Yuletide Author letter, I have some plot suggestions, if you're looking for an idea, but really, I'm happy with whatever you come up with. Basically, I want every single character from the novel to feel as whole and complete as reading the book made me feel. It is literally not possible for you to disappoint me with this request, unless you try REALLY HARD, and even then you might fail. I just love everything in the story so much.

No, seriously. I'm happy with ANYTHING. But if you want, here are some ideas:
  • the story from the end of the novel, where they all go to the beach and rent a house together and Hannah lies with Jessa and Taylor and they talk like a family
  • how Taylor manages to get through her last year of high school feeling connected to people, and how hard it is to adjust to being this new person who she likes but doesn't really know
  • what it's like now that they've formed this family, sort of, Hannah and Jude and Jessa and Taylor, and they function almost normally
  • what happens when on Christmas break from university Taylor goes to the house on Jellicoe Road where Hannah and Jude live, and where Jessa stays when she's on school vacation (or just sometimes when she needs to feel like a part of something), and sometimes Griggs drives down with her, which he swears he's doing just because he doesn't like the idea of her driving that far by herself, but everyone knows he wants to see the prayer tree as much as she does, and Hannah and Jude and Taylor all counsel Jessa on the territory wars (because of course she was chosen as school leader) but Jonah can't because he still feels loyalty to the Cadets- after all, some of them were in year seven when he was in charge
  • Chaz and Jonah discover to their horror that Danny and one of the Santangelo girls are dating after they met during Territory Wars
  • Raffy and Santangelo get married, and Jonah and Taylor go to the wedding together but are both horrified at the idea of marriage because neither of them really believes in anything that stable
  • the ongoing adventures of the shitty rock band made up of Ben, Anson Choi, and the Mullet Brothers (I mean, beyond their appearance in THE PIPER'S SON)
  • the baby Hannah and Jude have, who they name after Tate and make Taylor the godmother and Taylor doesn't even understand how she can care so much about this tiny person, her COUSIN, and realizes how Hannah must have felt
  • the fluffy alternate universe stories where they're all okay and Taylor graduates and goes to a party hosted by Tate and Webb and Fitz and Hannah and Jude
  • the Fucked-Up Five being happy together in this idyllic hole in a terrible world which they created for themselves before everything went wrong.
Or, if you so choose, Jessa and Chloe P. dating. I am oddly totally drawn into this ship and I can't even explain why.

Also, I'm completely up to date on my Melina Marchetta, so if you want to reference something from anything (from Looking for Allibrandi straight through Froi of the Exiles, whether or not it's been released in the US) that's fine, but if you don't want to that's totally fine as well.

If you're interested...
ON THE JELLICOE ROAD is a young adult novel by Melina Marchetta that may take a bit of time getting into, but is seriously one of the best books I've ever read. This won the Printz in 2010, so it should be fairly easily available in bookstores in the US/Canada/Australia. (Especially Australia actually; that's where MM is from.)

I love this stupid fandom SO MUCH. The only thing I really don't want is something sincere or overly dramatic. Because- come on. It's fucking Big Brother.

You want to write a crossover? Go with it! You want to write an AU? Awesome! I'm happy with gen fic or anything relationshippy, during-show and post-show, although I find any sincere dramatic angsty relationship fic for this fandom kind of creepy. I'm fascinated by the dynamics of how being filmed 24/7 does or doesn't change the ways people behave/interact. (On that note, I don't really feel the need for BB fandom porn, but if you do, I'd love if it plays on voyeurism/exhibitionism or performance in some way.) I love the bizarre group of celebrity fans who give a damn about this show. I love the family they've created once the show is over, with all the houseguests along with the greater CBS reality family.

So, really, whatever you want. As long as it's at least slightly ridiculous, I'll be happy.

I have a lot of favorites from this show, at least one or two per season, but my absolute fave is Daniele Donato. Other characters I like and dislike are basically in proportion to her, and I'd appreciate no Dani bashing. (In most fandoms, honestly, I default to no character-bashing, but if you want to bash someone who, for example, ABUSED HIS PREGNANT GIRLFRIEND or STARTED A DRUG RING WITH HIS WINNINGS- look, it's hilarious, is all I'm saying. Also, making fun of Kaysar's game play is practically an art form.)

In terms of ships, I tend to prefer ladyslash over everything else and as a general rule am not a huge fan of dudeslash that exists for the sake of two bland white guys fucking, but I'm not opposed to it, and some seasons of BB cry out for it. In other words, if there's a ship you're into, go for it. Although I have to admit, I find certain ships the show promoted despite the participants' lack of interest- like, say, Britney/Lane- gross and sketchy.

If you're interested...
I'm pretty sure every single episode of this show is on YouTube, should you have the time and the inclination; search for quirkydude or for individual seasons or episodes. (If you want to focus on a single season, for fic-and-also-entertaining-Amy purposes, I'd recommend 2, 7, 8, 10, or 13.) They're also probably torrentable (at least, they were five or six years ago), and season 3 and part of 4 are available on DVD.

If you want to write post-show stuff and feel the need for canon, Hamsterwatch has a great list of all former contestants' twitters. Other good bets are ontdbb and Survivor Sucks.

I adore this show, and as long as it's not sincere, there's virtually nothing with this fandom I wouldn't love. Crossovers, Aus, gen fic or relationships, during-show and post-show- feel free, really. Like with BB, I'm fascinated by the dynamics of how being filmed 24/7 does or doesn't change the ways people behave/interact. I love the family they've created once the show is over. So, really, whatever you want. I have some specifics in my Dear Yuletide Writer letter, but as long as it's at least slightly ridiculous, I'll be happy.

Survivor is a lot like Big Brother for me, except I don't have a single Survivor that I love the way I love Dani. My fave seasons include Amazon, China, Vanuatu, and any of the All-Star seasons. As long as there are awesome ladies somewhere in the story, I'll be happy, but if you want/need more guidance, HERE ARE SOME SUGGESTIONS:

  • The Dragonz' World Tour
  • Any story you want, as told by Coach. (Seriously, ANY STORY. I don't care if you want to tell the Three Little Pigs, as told by Coach.)
  • Vanuatu ladyslash
  • The Epic, Over-The-Top, Ridiculous Bromance/Love Story of Jeff Probst and Colby Donaldson
  • The Wine and Cheese Alliance, aka the group of Survivors that live in New York City and get together to watch reality TV as a group, BECAUSE THEY ARE ADORABLE AND AMAZING.

If you're interested...
The majority of this show is on YouTube, should you have the time and the inclination; generally, you would need to search by season. If you want to focus for fic-and-also-entertaining-Amy purposes, if you want to write dudeslash I'd recommend 2 (Australian Outback), 8 (All-Stars), and 20 (Heroes vs. Villains) ; ladyslash, 9 (Vanuatu) and/or 16 (Fans v Favorites); or, in general, 6 (Amazon), 7 (Pearl Islands), 12 (Panama), or 15 (China).

You can buy seasons 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, and 10 on DVD with commentary (THE COMMENTARY IS REALLY GREAT YOU GUYS I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT), and seasons 3, 4, 5, 6, and 20 are all sold via Amazon CreateSpace, but without commentary tracks.

The vast majority of Survivor players are on Twitter and they update CONSTANTLY. Rob Cesternino's podcast (robhasawebsite dot com) is a great place to start for info. Other good bets are ontdbb and Survivor Sucks.

In The Muppet Movie, Robin asks Kermit "is this how the Muppets really got started?" and Kermit replies, "it's sort of approximately how it happened." That basically sums up my point of view on the Muppets: the Muppets are actors, who happen to have written and produced movies and TV specials in which they play exaggerated versions of themselves. To me, each Muppet movie is a consciously-created theatrical imagining of an event, written by and directed by and starring the Muppets. While Kermit and Fozzie and Piggy may be playing characters named Kermit and Fozzie and Piggy, it's kind of like how Neil Patrick Harris plays "Neil Patrick Harris" in Harold & Kumar- he may have things in common with himself, but it's not HIM.

To me, Muppets' behavior on The Muppet Show is the closest to "reality" in the canon. Their behavior on stage, even when it's ridiculous, is on some level staged for an audience, but the backstage antics are closer to the level of reality that, say, reality TV has achieved- real personalities showing through from overly dramatic, possibly staged events.

My ideal Yuletide story would be one that results from that level of pseudo-reality, which acknowledges the Muppets are actors but also that by very nature of their selves they are acting as a version of themselves. Essentially, I want Muppet RPF: stories about the Muppets as "actors" behind the scenes. (NO PUPPETEERS, PLEASE. THAT'S CREEPY.) I would love a story where, for example, Sweetums is upset that he has to constantly antagonize his BFF Robin while acting in THE MUPPET FROG PRINCE, or where Gonzo is very worried that his family will be offended by the plot of MUPPETS FROM SPACE.

In short (yeah, I know, too late), I'm fascinated by the weird liminal space the Muppets inhabit between fictionality and reality, and I'd love if you could play with that.

And if you don't want to do that, I'd also love a crossover with any of my fandoms.

That's all adapted, btw, from this post I made about what I like in Muppet fic, when I was debating whether or not to request it. (Clearly, I decide in the affirmative!)

Gonzo is my favorite favorite favorite Muppet, but he doesn't have to show up. I love a LOT of Muppets, and am happy to hear about any of them. (As a caveat, I haven't seen the Muppets yet- I am writing this on the Saturday before it premieres- but I'm going to a midnight showing of the movie (yes, I'm THAT GUY, hi) and assuming I don't edit this letter, like, Wednesday, assume Walter and 80s Robot are included in "any of them," if you so desire.)

My one squick in this fandom is graphic sexuality. I've seen Avenue Q and I loved it, but I do not want anything remotely like that. If you have a ship, I totally respect that and even welcome it in the story, but- basically what I'm saying here is that I don't want interspecies bestiality porn for this particular fandom, and if that's the only thing you can write for Muppets, I'd really rather you not write anything than write that.

If you're interested...
Seasons 1-3 of the Muppet Show are available on DVD. Many many many things from the show are on YouTube (including Muppet Frog Prince, since I mentioned that specifically- it is my favorite Muppets retelling of BASICALLY ANYTHING- and the Muppets Salute Jim Henson, if for some reason you are in the mood to sob like a baby.). The major movies are all available on DVD as well. And The Muppets is out in theatres in the US starting at 12:01 AM on Wednesday. (I AM EXCITE, CAN YOU TELL?)

If you have any more questions or need help, you can leave me an anon comment. And, especially if you need the source texts for BB or Survivor, if you contact
ghost_lingering I can give her copies to pass on no questions asked.

Questions? Concerns? The need to tell me you are SERIOUSLY JUDGING ME for my requests? Leave me comments, I am bored! :D? :D?

Cross-posted at http://fox1013.dreamwidth.org/74214.html. Comment wherever you feel more comfortable.

tv: big brother, lit: melina marchetta, fic: yuletide, lit: jellicoe road, here be muppets, muppets, tv: survivor

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