You're a homo sapien, Brendan. You're not a wizard.

Dec 24, 2010 13:01

God, Big Brother houseguests, is it hard to CONSTANTLY DELIGHT ME the way you do?

Is Ragan pregnant with Britney's lust child? Is he angry that Rachel photoshopped HER head onto HIS body? Or is he preparing for his sex tape with Matt? WHO CAN TELL.

Ugh, nothing is more fantastic than people who've fully embraced the characters they created and are aware of having created them and intentionally play with that creation and... ♥

The BB12 cast is also disproportionately awesome about both interacting with fans and referencing their time in the house and being self-aware. Or, actually, I guess the cast COLLECTIVELY is about normal about it, but the work they have to do to bring the average up to that when Rachel and Brendon are there is goddamn remarkable.


I've also been listening to the Jellicoe audio book. (New Thing I Noticed This Time: FELIX THE CAT CONNECTION OMG.) And it's 12:42 PM and I'm in my pajamas and Yuletide Madness starts soon and I watched the last two episodes of Better Off Ted yesterday and they made me happy.

It is a good day.

Cross-posted at Comment wherever you feel more comfortable.

and-hearts-semicolon, tv: bb12

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