Jude saw the rain-dirty valley; Webb saw Brigadoon

May 24, 2010 00:20

When marksykins and I were at the Lost thing yesterday, I couldn't believe how much people KNEW about the show- or, rather, how much they knew in comparison to me, considering that in my head I am always The Obsessively Knowledgable Fan. (I couldn't sleep last night because I couldn't remember the name of the BB Token Gay between Dustin and Steven. Joshuah, btw.) But Lost has never been that show for me; it is pretty people and ridiculous shipping and over-the-top nonsensical plotlines and lots of explosions. So, while I completely understand how a lot of people didn't like this episode of Lost, I am on the polar (lol polar) opposite of the spectrum.

That was pretty much everything I wanted from a Lost finale. If they had replaced Frank Lapidus with the Pigeon and made the very last scene a voiceover by Melina Marchetta, it is possible it would have been my favorite of all time. As is, I am emotionally satisfied and comfortable with having very little idea what literally happened while many ideas of what happened on a metaphorical/allegorical level, which is all I could ask from an episode of Lost, really.

I'm surprised at how many people saw that ending as "Oh, it WAS purgatory all along," because that is totally not what I got out of it. Which is not to say that any reaction or interpretation is "wrong" or "right"- or actually that I would even mind- but it was not how I read it at all!

I have a lot of possible interpretations running through my head right now (all of which derail immediately whenever I get to AND JULIET AND SAWYER ARE IN LOVE AND THEY GET TO BE TOGETHER AND THEY LOVE EACH OTHER BECAUSE THEY ARE IN LOVE!), but my favorite right now is the idea that the sidewaysverse is what Hurley and Ben set up, their way to make a happy ending for everyone. Because that's what Hurley does: he takes care of people. :')

I also like the idea that the plane Jack sees when he's lying there dying is actually 815, and as he lies there he's watching the sidewaysverse splinter off.

Alternately, that the reason they all got together in the church was to go back to the island. They missed it. It's home. ♥

--None of these make sense. I guess I kind of feel like they don't HAVE to. It was nonsensical and manipulative and over-the-top, and also exactly what I wanted from the show.

Now it is fictiemz please?

Also, no matter what you think of that episode- don't you kind of want to go buy a smoke detector from Target right now, just to encourage that kind of ad campaigning? I mean, really.

tv: lost, all artistic-like

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