I've heard they're replacing the BB jury with Russell Hantz. It's only fair!

May 17, 2010 08:53

Last night's Survivor was freaking EPIC. I commented in my own post about it a lot, because I recognized at the time that I lack the presence of mind to write up a full post. (This was accurate.)

Brief summary: I was happy about nearly everything ("nearly" = "Seriously, America? You chose Russell and Rupert as your favorites? Really? REALLY?"). As much as I adore Sandra, I acknowledge that Parvati deserved the win just as much, if not more. But you know who didn't deserve it? RUSSELL EFFING HANTZ. So it really irritates the hell out of me that Russell pretty much monopolized the reunion, because the question of the best Survivor was SERIOUSLY not between Russell and anyone else. Parvati should have gotten more screentime there. Parv (and the Dragonz!) deserved more than, say, Rupert's toe, or Probst insulting Amanda. But I guess they didn't have any time for that, because Russell had to explain that the game of Survivor, which has lasted ten years and 20 seasons and some Best Host Emmys, is inherently flawed because HE'S RUSSELL HANTZ, THE GREATEST PLAYER TO EVER PLAY SURVIVOR, and yet Sandra won.

(Also Russell said Sandra has a terrible social game. RUSSELL. said that SANDRA. has a TERRIBLE SOCIAL GAME. Sandra, who built up so much loyalty that six people voted for her, and also Courtney used her jury question to encourage Sandra to discuss how awesome she is. I LOLed.)

Also, Jeff Probst was SUCH A DICK to Russell Hantz, in all the right smackdown-y "Russell, that's a different game. That's called Russell Decides Who Wins Survivor" ways. I love Jeffrey.

I don't know. My reactions are, like, half Interesting Sociological Analyses, and half are "OMG," and as much as I want to talk about things like whether the narrative arc functions better when looking at two seasons together or how Joseph Campbell can explain the Heroes tribe, right now the blind squee is winning out.

But let's talk about important things. Last night was the first Big Brother ad of the season! (I always find this exciting.) It was ten seconds long, and believe me when I say THIS WAS THE CHEAPEST-LOOKING PROMO CBS HAS EVER DONE.

Like, seriously, I think I have pretty low standards when it comes to this show, because I recognize it is the red-headed stepchild of CBS reality shows, but COME ON. If you're going for terrible computer-generated graphics, I think you owe it to us to at least make them hilarious ones. But NO, this is just a fake-looking pool for a background, and some pool-type items that occasionally pass by on it: a pink innertube that says "coming this summer" with the CBS eye; a beachball that says "BIGGER" on it; a bright red raft (which appears to have no purpose except to break up shots the first time it passes, but the second time says BIG BROTHER on it).

They only include a few shots from previous seasons, too! There's someone belly-flopping into the pool, then Jordan during the underwear fashion show while Jeff watches appreciatively, then Jordan hitting a volleyball (which, hey! Becomes the computer generated one! CRAZY, RIGHT?), then Matty screaming in the pool like a crazy person, then who I think is BB8 Zach going down a slide into fake pasta, but that may just be because I've repressed whatever happened last season involving people getting on a slide into a pasta-like substance (...Big Brother makes me say strange things). Then Jessie chair-dancing while shirtless, and someone going down a homemade slip-n-slide.

Now, the slip-n-slide I am conflicted about. Because you can't actually see the dude's face, just his bald spot as he flies down the slip-n-slide. Based on the (lack of) hair, I'm pretty sure it's either Casey or Adam. And I don't remember Casey doing it, but it seems like CBS would probably not want to remind the audience of Oxycontin deals made WITH THE MONEY FROM THE SHOW.

Then again, the only faces we can clearly see are Jordan's, Jessie's, and MATTY'S, so what the hell do I know?

Season 12 starts on July 8th. After such a kick-ass Survivor, BB has a lot to live up to.

bb12: pre-show, tv: survivor: whole-ass

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