Today I talk about TV!

Apr 03, 2010 17:06

(1) I am so glad the reactions I've seen so far don't seem to really bash the new Doctor Who companion, because I was preparing myself for lots of "I hate Amy"s and getting preemptively sad. I think I'm still kind of defensive because when Firefly got canceled, everyone was all I HATE FOX, and I had not yet heard that Firefly was canceled and was trying to figure out what I did wrong. /o\

(2) Now my biggest media-related problem is not being able to find the E! True Hollywood Story of Survivor, which is painful and sad in its own right, but on a much lesser level, because on some level I am actually aware of the words in that sentence, like E! True Hollywood Story and Survivor. Also I can be smug, because, you know, everyone always tells you "Come on, what are you going to do with a video tape of Reality TV Secrets Revealed and that BB episode of Yes, Dear?" and my answer is AVOID SITUATIONS LIKE THIS.

(2a) This reminds me that my folder of hilarious gifs from Big Brother is labeled "LOL OH BB" and every time I see that I giggle. Which seems as good a reason as any to link to the BB10 houseguests getting thrown at a wall over and over, because... come on. People got thrown at a wall over and over. How great is that?

(2b) I have a "LOL OH SURVIVOR" folder too, but it brings me less joy, I think because the name isn't as entertaining to me.

(2c) Oh! I also have some Real World tapes, and possibly a few things on my TiVo. Overall, I'm luckier than I might be but not nearly as lucky as I want to be.

(3) The great part, though, is that this reminded me- FINALLY- that the Paley Center can be my friend, and also it is RIGHT HERE. Now I'm all excited and considering heading out on a field trip tomorrow to watch discussions about Survivor, which- :D! It's not the ones I wanted, but it'll do, Pig. It'll do.

(3a) I also realized I can probably find newspaper archives at, oh, I don't know, ANY OF THE GIANT RESEARCH LIBRARIES IN MANHATTAN. I am clearly not taking enough advantage of my city, and I look forward to starting. I need a nerd task, and reality TV research is a good one, because the odds are very low that anyone besides me will be pursuing it.

(4) This is all prompted because I listened to RobC's two-hour podcast, which features Lex talking about this week's castoff and made me make high-pitched squeaking noises about how much I have missed being academic about this. (Not that they're being academic about it, but I could be academic about it, and that is squee-prompting.) You know, someday, there's going to be a call for papers about reality television, and on that day I WILL BE THERE, reams of supporting news articles in hand.

(5) Do you know what turns up when you search the internet for "Survivor interviews"? NOT A LOT OF INTERVIEWS ABOUT THE TELEVISION SHOW SURVIVOR. And I can't even make a sarcastic comment about it, because even when it's clearly not serious, saying things like "way to make the things I worry about seem petty, people who lived through genocides" makes me feel kind of dirty. At least with Big Brother, I just got lots of sites about how to help kids who have younger siblings on the way.

fandoms that aren't mine, tv: survivor

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