This post is full of IMPORTANCE. By which I mean rambling.

Jul 07, 2009 21:51



This is the board in its default state.

This is the board if, hypothetically, there were no mystery HG, Lydia won HOH, she nominated Braden and Jordan, Ronnie got the veto, and Casey and Jeff were the first two out.

Obviouly it's not done. But I need more velcro, a paint pen, a cardstock eye, the identities of the mystery houseguest(s), the makeup of the jury, and probably a few other details I haven't worked out yet. But it is something, rather than "another day spent staring morosely at the computer without getting anything done," and I am proud.

I mentioned I got to call in to "The Insider" and ask Julie Chen a question today, right? It was a completely dumb question (the one out of all the ones I suggested that they approved, I assume because 90% of the others were mean to either Julie or the fandom) but I GOT TO TALK TO HER AND ROSS FOR LIKE A MINUTE. So that was amazing.

I mean, I'm kind of disappointed it was a sincere question (you may remember me from previous HG interactions such as asking Will if the house was on fire would he rather save James or Marcellas; asking Joe if he was glad he got evicted when he did so he could read the new Harry Potter book; and asking Nick if he thought his erratic hairstyles led to his eviction), but if I'm not going to be able to troll the fandom, at least I got to be on the same phone line as the Chenbot. *____*

I feel like I am so removed from fandom lately. I blame this on my complete inability to finish anything to my satisfaction. And, since in about 48 hours I'm going to be dead to 90% of the fannish world for three months (I have mentioned my fandom lasts 24/7? yeah, it does. ♥), that's not likely to change anytime soon. I mean, I'm still reading/commenting/poking around LJ, but my media intake from now through mid-September will, barring unforeseen circumstances, pretty much be young adult novels, Better Off Ted, and a LOT of Big Brother.

I have a ton of papers to write, and I'm spending a few hours tomorrow hanging out with furies (side note: :D!), but- ooh, I should bold this in case most people are already at the point of the season where they automatically scroll past me- if anyone has any fannish requests for me and doesn't mind something sloppy and half-assed, I would like to do one or two things at least before I get sucked back into the vacuum of my baby attention whores. By "something" I pretty much mean "short burst of meta, short burst of fic, or short burst of cardstock collage", but suggest suggestions if you have ideas or requests!

I like being a contributing member of a community sometimes. It's a nice contrast to, you know, the solitary confinement that is finishing grad school.

P.S. If anyone's interested in watching BB for the first time this season, I AM HAPPY TO HELP WITH ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE PLEASE JUST ASK.

P.P.S. Anybody want cake?

bb11: pre-show, fandomonium

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