Update: Reality TV Edition

Jun 18, 2009 12:45

  • I am not voting on I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, because I do not believe in rewarding crappy editing and opaque regulations, but that will not stop me from being really really pissed if the people voted off today are not Patti Blagojevich and Stephen Baldwin. John Salley and &LDP; can't be voted off, Janice is a trainwreck, Sanjaya and Holly are cute, Torrie's the only one with a chance of getting the girls food, and I am almost as tired of hearing about how the cruel media has hurt the Blagos as I am of hearing how Stephen B found Jesus. This show needs fewer people who think they're ~inspirational~ and more people who are clearly in the later stages of mental breakdown.

  • Like BB, for example! It's only a few short weeks before they start talking about who's going to be there (not counting Chenbot 2.0). It's almost time for me to make my completely baseless predictions! I'm very excited.

  • Side note: during Big Brother season, people addressing each other as "bb" becomes EXPONENTIALLY FUNNIER. I encourage that at all times, because it lets me imagine that you're all talking to the disembodied voice directing the Big Brother house. See, and it's funny, cause you're already IN the diary room, and... yeah. Look, it's funny if you're me!

  • In case you're following Big Brother through my LJ and not anywhere else I feel like I should mention Housecalls is canceled. (For the 99.5% of you who don't know, that's the daily Big Brother online talk show.) I expect this is a disappointment to anyone who, like me, feels that 24 hours a day of coverage just ISN'T ENOUGH. I suppose I'll have to cope with a few podcasts and more than five hours a night of sleep.

  • CBS tweeted that the Emmys will be postponed for a week until September 20. Do you think that means we'll get an unshortened season of Big Brother? :D?

  • Sometimes, it takes all of my willpower to not twitter and ask former Big Brother houseguests if this is really where they thought their career would be now. Case in point.

Good morning, LiveJournal. How are you today?

bb11: pre-show, tv: reality, tv: i'm a celebrity etc.

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