Coach is the creepiest person who's ever been on Survivor.

Mar 01, 2009 11:20

So this morning I woke up, looked outside, saw it was snowing, said "Screw this," and got back into bed for two hours. Cause- seriously. What the hell? MARCH. IT'S MARCH.

Oh, who am I kidding? I love snow. I woke up and went back to bed just so I could wake up to it snowing again. I am the twelve-est.

I had, like, three different dreams last night about getting fired from various jobs because I was awesome at them when I showed up but had a tendency to oversleep, because my subconscious is completely predictable and annoying, but I also dreamed that cidercupcakes and I went to a Springsteen concert, and afterwards we got to meet the band, JDM, and Jeff Probst. You would be amazed how much that makes up for.

(Why is Jeff Probst in my dreams, you guys? I don't want to be Colby when I grow up.)

I have many plans for today: go through boxes of magazine pictures for the next 17 categories, go grocery shopping, write a paper, write some necessary emails, take notes on some theory, read Watchmen, watch Amazing Race, make icons of Muppet Frog Prince- everything important.

Something about snow makes me want to be productive. Or, at least, as productive as I can be without trying too hard. In other words, I'll be happy as long as I manage to do something besides watch special features on Survivor all day and try to find archives of's "Revenge of the Houseguests" blog for BB and whatever the Survivor and TAR equivalents were. Also the House Calls from every season before 9.

I am so being thwarted at every turn. I swear, this is why I'm developing Probst-related Stockholm Syndrome. At least he doesn't cause me to spend hours on, printing the crappy blogs week by week. He just makes awkward sexual innuendos and dates women half his age. AND DO YOU SEE HOW I'M JUSTIFYING HIM ALREADY?

Les Moonves, I am not pleased. >:(

dreamscape, tv: big brother, organization: to-do lists, whether there will be weather, tv: survivor

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