So I pretty much only know about Criminal Minds through osmosis, but after last night's Heroes, when
they talked about how Sylar fit the profile, I want crossover fic so bad you don't even know.
That's pretty much all I got from the episode, because... Heroes. You know. I spend most of the episodes wondering how the baby Heroes are doing, and what superpowers would be best for various reality programs.
I realized lately that Survivor has made me less afraid of fish than I used to be. I am now only afraid of fish on a big screen when the film is entirely under water. Which basically means "fear of fish" is downgraded to "fear of drowning"- which, you know, yay!
Look, for me this is an accomplishment, okay?
It has come to my attention that Muppet Frog Prince is available in its entirety on YouTube. While I cannot provide an actual link, because this computer refuses to tolerate YouTube, I am stating right now that you are all expected to watch the movie. You can find it on your own. There is no excuse for not doing this, and I'm not saying that just for me. It will hurt you to not experience this work of art.