It must be hard to be so wrong so often. :(

Feb 01, 2009 13:26

So now that the porn battle is basically over, I should probably mention my plans to complement it with a genfic battle of its own. This is mostly because I kept staring at the porn battle prompts all "I would love this if instead of sex the prompter wanted a wacky road trip or perhaps an adopted baby dinosaur!"

My original strategy for how to do this was (1) copy everything oxoniensis did, (2) ???, (3) profit! And that worked awesome! I'm just kind of stuck on little in between details. For example, the way requests are formatted. Or where the line is between "friendshippy" and "shippy," when interpretation of the text counts for so much and Person A's "Dawwwwwww, they're friends!" becomes Person B's "They're sleeping together!" or whatever.

Fandom is confusing, is basically what I'm saying, and also that if you want to offer suggestions I would appreciate it. My history of actually competently organizing things is not the best.


But that is secondary to a much more pressing question.

*clears throat*


I call upon you to settle an important argument, where one person is clearly right and one is clearly wrong but in the interest of fairness I will not specify who is which opinion.

More awesome Sesame Street Muppet: Grover or Elmo?

Show your work, please.

ficathon, here be muppets

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