I hurt my foot last night.
I did this in the dumbest way humanly possible (short answer: I really need to stop leaving sharp objects around where they're just WAITING TO INJURE ME), but that does not actually make walking less painful. I am trying to figure out how, exactly, one is supposed to treat deep stupidity.
Anyone want to give me a nice new foot? I WOULD APPRECIATE IT!
In case you didn't know,
Yuletide Treats is now open. I am somehow unsurprised that the four requests I might be able to fill all came from my flist. On the one hand this makes me feel guilty, but on the other,
What's the etiquette of using stories I've started previously if they fill the request and I'd be finishing them just for Yuletide?
How many labeled boxes can I sort things into before I pass "charmingly eccentric" into "bugfuck crazy"?
Hypothetically, of course.