Three Things

Oct 05, 2008 16:25


I need Pushing Daisies icons from the most recent episode. I am not even sure which I need MORE.

Which would I prioritieze: an icon of Chuck towards the end, with text of "I like my coffee like my women," or one of Emerson with the pop-up book?

Actually, that's a lie. I totally know which I need more.

But what I really need is BOTH OF THEM.


I'm reading lots of YA lately, which makes me happier than it has any right to. Or, well, I guess it's EXACTLY as much as it has any right to; YA is pretty awesome. But I am seriously just floating around in this dorky haze of YAY.

Two most recent:

(a) I would recommend The True Meaning of Smekday to anyone with a pulse (even mimesere despite its first person usage). I kind of want to throw it at everyone who tells me that things don't show up in YA. Alien invasion? Hilarious apocalypse? Format designed to make readers look critically at European history? Awesome protagonist who, as an eleven-year-old mixed-race super-determined girl, defies virtually every criticism of YA novels I've read? IT'S ALL THERE. Also if anyone does not love the Boov, you are wrong, I am sorry. Blah blah blah blah "killed most of humanity" WHATEVER, did you see how adorkable J.Lo is? BECAUSE I DID AND HEART.

(b) I would... like to discuss Hunger Games in more depth. I wish someone had told me before I read it that it's the first book of a projected trilogy, so FYI, it's the first book of a projected trilogy. Beyond that, my opinion breaks down to whether I view it more as a YA novel (in which case I think it was relatively successful) or a criticism/condemnation of reality television (in which case I think it mostly failed).

(HINT: This has been an attempt to discuss both of them non-spoilery, but of course I would accept spoilery discussion in comments. Ahem.)


Sleeping for twelve hours, followed by an hour and a half awake and then five hours of sleep, was probably overdoing it, but I do not even care; it felt WONDERFUL. I feel reasonably certain that my head will probably not crash into my laptop screen in a fit of exhaustion for at least a few hours now- at LEAST long enough for TAR.

Now that I am awake, I am cleaning and contemplating doing Nano. On the one hand, every year sign up for it I never end up finishing it, and also if this semester of school is any indication deadlines just turn me into a psychotic who freaks out over not being at least two weeks ahead. On the other hand, I really miss writing.

Decisions are hard.

tv: pushing daisies, tv: reality, lit: hunger games, lit: ya, nanowhyme?, organization: to-do lists, lit: smekday

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