(1) Renny, I misssssssssss you! ALREADY I MISS YOU!
(2) April, I kind of want to set you on fire. Also, respect? Is that what they call it when you make your own nightly porn vids?
(3) Wow, Keesha, you fucking SUCKED at that HOH. And unlike last veto, you can't even blame it on being drunk. You are lucky this week is all about taking out Jerry, especially because if he ends up getting veto, he's keeping you in, as is Memphis. Also you're lucky that you're pretty. Because you are. So very, very pretty.
(4) Did we all see the SUMO WRESTLER? Did we? Because I think we all know how I felt last time a random person was inserted into the house towards the end of the game. That time it was a mime. And I cannot speak of that without making hearthands.
(5) Luxury comp involving leaving the house? Perhaps we all remember that when this happened six years ago at f4, the person left for the VMAs. The VMAs which are live this Saturday.
Seriously, guys, the only thing that could make up for the pain of Renny leaving was a sumo wrestler randomly sitting in the living room on the coffee table, telling them he's sitting on top of the information they need in a language they don't understand. IT IS SO NICE THAT THE PRODUCERS UNDERSTOOD THAT.
For the past few night, I've been having awesome and bizarre surrealistic dreams (
a4yroldfaerie and I were Sesame Street characters!
marksykins led the failiest mafia group ever and I was an especially faily low person on the faily mafia totem pole! etc.), and I swear, it took me a minute to realize that this was actualfax happening on the show.
I love my show.
In conclusion, if this fandom were a fic-producing fandom and someone did not write me a
Keesha = Naughty Librarian AU, I would be the saddest panda ever.