Happy live double eviction night, kids!
If I can be hoenst here for a minute, I am not a huge fan of the fast-forward double eviction. I like my double eviction weeks to be like they were in BB6: two super-short HOH reigns, running about three hours each. Being the HOH at a fast-forward is a thankless job; what's the point of getting HOH when you don't get the room?
I hate it because I can't handicap things. There is no time to cut deals during a fast-forward. No one can promise anything to keep anyone off the block. No one can scurry around the habitat like crazed delusional paranoid schizophrenics, insisting that BB is talking to them through song choice and the guinea pig cage- OH WAIT THEY'RE TOTALLY DOING THAT ALREADY MY BAD.
(No, seriously. Check out
this link if you don't believe me. I cannot quote anything; it is too good to be sampled in pieces.)
But, yeah. I prefer the heightened drama of two in one week, rather than two in one NIGHT. It always leaves them kind of lethargic for the next week in the habitat. And while it's finally the time of the season where the YouTube tributes are getting good (tribute = BB fanvid, which has an altogether different aesthetic than fictional fandom vids and altogether more elaborate cussing), and while I'm not watching the feeds that much (I have never quite recaptured the glory times of BB7 where I never turned them off), I need to know things are HAPPENING.
Even when I'm effectively on electronic sabbatical (no answering my phone, only four hours of TV a week (BB, BB, BB, and ProjRun, the last of which I will discuss in more detail once this paper is finished), and laptop only when I'm doing half an hour of work for every half hour of slacking), it's still important, okay?
I am trying desperately to come up with a reason not to go to the library today. I haven't found one yet, but that in no way means I'm going to quit. You know who quits when the going gets tough? Jerry, hopefully. Quitters, that's who.
Lying in bed the other night night, I was struck with the firm belief that Renny will get HOH this week. I would find this a much more comforting founded-in-nothing-whatsoever snap judgment if there weren't going to be two HOHs in the next 24 hours.
Just... Keesha's okay, right? MAKE KEESHA BE OKAY.