Elelator go down the hole.

Jul 16, 2008 18:33

I feel like I am neglecting my fannish community! I mean, mostly I think the only person who gives a damn what I post is me (this is largely substantiated by the actual facts of the case), but when your fandoms are little, supporting your own interests pleases a surprising amount of the community as a whole!

So, briefly:

Big Brother 10
I have selected Keesha as my favorite. I cannot entirely explain why; it's not JUST that she kind of reminds me of Daniele, or JUST that she was a huge Clinton fan, or JUST that she's one of the prettiest women in the house, but none of those hurt, you know? Anyway, I do not have a die-hard alliance yet, because Keesha is playing both sides, so I am not sure who I want in power. Basically, it's like my Pyramid of Daniele Love, except it's early enough in the season that I reserve the right to switch allegiances at a moment's notice. The love thus far is strong enough to combat her being friends with Zach BB8, though, so. Y'know.

I'm guessing Libra wins HOH tonight. I am basing this entirely on a mathematical scale involving perceived (by me) intelligence and amount of time spent looking at the photos BB offered them rather than, say, blow-drying hair. (Jessie spent a lot of time on the pictures, too, but is the mental equivalent of a pet rock.)

Jessie is my least favorite HG. Again, he doesn't have any solid alliance which would lead to me to like the opposing side.

I started this season able to identify approximately half the HGs, and divided the male HGs into "Jerry, Ollie, or One of Five Dudes Named Mike". I can now identify Jessie at a glance (he's the one whose head looks disproportionately small for his body), can ID Brian about 70% of the time, and I'm good with Dan about 50%.

Memphis and Steven are a lost cause. I have no idea what alliances they're in, because I can never tell who's who.

(This is why BB should go for more diverse casting. I can identify people with specific physical traits- like, say, Jerry being 40 years older than everyone else. If they're going to insist on this many blandly attractive white dudes, I would like to officially request casting someone with a ponytail or a mohawk or something.)

Guys, so many people are strategizing this season! So many! Not necessarily well, but god dammit, they're TRYING.

My pupils look like two tiny hearts.

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
I liked it, lots and lots, obviously. I love the sense of humor, I love the music, I love NPH, I love Nathan Fillion... Honestly, there were very few ways this could go wrong.

The problems I have with it have nothing to do with the actual text. The text itself, I love. It's the metatext- the discussions, the interviews, the knowledge of what's being referenced with every knowing grin- that is kind of getting to me. I honestly can't figure out if it's supersaturation, like what happened to me with Serenity, or if it's just that an awful lot of it seems very "Ha! So there, major studios! See what we can do?" Which is awesome, and I applaud the sentiment, but wish it hadn't seeped quite so deeply into the text. Or it might just be that, while I love Dr. Horrible insanely much and am charmed by him, I feel like it's Nathan Fillion's smug, self-satisfied superhero who is closer to the tone of the show.

Also, I am irritated that so many people adore it. I mean, it's adoration-worthy, but (A), see above re: supersaturation, and (B) this means, I think, just saying screw it and skipping the Dr. Horrible panel at CCI. (I was looking forward to it! Just... not enough to spend an entire day sitting in the same room, boring myself through things I don't care about just so I can see one thing.)

The thing that kills me is, there's no part of the actual DHSAB that I don't adore. I would watch this over most crap on TV in a heartbeat. I am sure I will buy this on DVD, which is the only thing preventing me from getting it for my iPod RIGHT NOW. And I totally respect the way that Joss is making the publicity machine his bitch. I just... grar, you know? Grar.

...I thought I had more random pop culture to update on than that. I totally don't. BB tonight at 8, ProjRun tonight at 10, mental health kind of crappy but stable, apartment cleaning itself slow-but-steadily, knee-deep in summer camp media (I saw Meatballs the first time two days ago and have been reading Camp Camp while trying to decide which version of Parent Trap should be watched first), the usual.

It's really sad how many of the things I want to do today are easy that I'm just not doing. Who knew goals like "locate nail polish remover" or "put shoes in the closet" could be so confusing?

P.S. Less than one week til ComicCon! *flail*

nph ftw!, bb10: live feeds (week 1), organization: apartment, media: dr horrible's sing-along blog

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