Expect the Unexpected

Jul 08, 2008 10:11

More on the slowly-publicized info about BB10 later, but for now-

I am rooting for Libra (the mother of three who's an Obama supporter in Bush country) and Jerry (75-year-old fan of the BB franchise).

And, April! April has OCD! HOW CAN I NOT ROOT FOR HER TOO. (Although one of the videos describes her as "the perfectionist", who doesn't want to think about politics, but- whatever. The important thing is, I CAN ALREADY FEEL A BOND. IT'S A BOND OF CRAZY, BUT A BOND NONETHELESS)

Also, Steven (the "champion bull rider in the gay rodeo circuit" who loves ProjRun and Heroes) used to be a camp director.

Dan, who doesn't like women or liberals and says he would have moved out of the country if Clinton got the presidency? He is ON MY LIST. I hope Libra kicks him in the face.

Video of the house here and some of the contestants here.

Also, the official website is live here; I will be exploring it more fully once I have had breakfast and also have stopped squealing.


Guys, my show! My show is back! MY SHOW!

Ugh, my famewhore babies. I am GIDDY.

bb10: pre-show

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