*is a winner*

Jul 02, 2008 00:01

Today, at dinner:

I take out my pillbox

MY AUNT: "You have those so you can keep track?"

ME: "Yeah, I'm really bad at remembering to take my pills if they're not marked off and divided by day."

long pause

ME: "It's not Monday, is it?"

(I'm awesome, is kind of my point.)

...Um, this is kind of a nothing post, but I kind of figured that if I made a post saying nothing but OMG BB10 CAST BEING RELEASED SOON DETAILS LEAKING MY HEART IS FLUTTERING LIKE A TINY BUTTERFLY WING, someone would judge me.

SEVEN WORDS. Seriously, I have gone through a dozen Buffy mags and three Heroes ones and still cannot find the word "heroine". NOT. FAIR. Also, these are making me want to watch Buffy s7 and write Niki/DL fic. WHAT IS WITH MY LIFE.

bb10: pre-show, meds

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