First name: Mister. Last name: T.

Jun 05, 2008 18:29

I've been having anxiety attacks pretty much daily- not panic attacks, thank godfully- which is ANNOYING. Like, it's not anything WORSE than annoying, which is good, but the more anxiety-y I am, the more easily annoyed I am, and- I'm not exactly calm start, you know? I'm conflict-avoidant to begin with, and lately the only thing I want to do is hide in bed and read the new David Sedaris.

(Which is awesome, PS, and which I will write up a post on as soon as I finish it, and also which is totes the new popular thing, given how many people have stopped mem in public to either ask how it is or mention how awesome they found it. Hee.)

I am choosing to deal with my new levels of anxiety/annoyance by frequently reverting back to my happy place of Derek Shepherd being Dr. Sean from Survivor. I'm thinking sometime in the near future- probably after my summer course is over- I will sit down and catch up on all of my GA, so that I can... well, 1, be aware of all the stuff everyone seems to think I know about anyway, but also 2, find canon details to support my crack-addled theory. Which, you know, is clearly 100% true.

(I am deeply enjoying my mental image of how much Probst absolutely HATES him. Like, he hates him more than he hates the actual Sean for existing plus the amount he hates Ozzy for the comment about Julie during the FvF reunion, times the amount he hates the cast of Thailand, to the power of his feelings about Fairplay. Plus three.)

The books I'm reading lately- David Sedaris excepted- are ridiculously depressing. I like them, I think they're insanely well-written, but sometimes, I do not want to read about people's horrible lives.

I want to read about kittens. Chasing ponies. Across rainbows. While covered in glitter.

...It's stuff like this, more than anything else, that make me wish I'd been in popslash fandom.

Sometimes, there are days when you decide that you have the energy to either go grocery shopping or buy a Mr. T talking keychain, but you're not sure you will have the energy to do both.

I hope I never stop being the person who chooses the Mr. T keychain above basic life necessities.

(I didn't buy it, in the end, because I keep remembering my inability to own something that makes noise without setting it off accidentally- see also: the picturebook that quacked in class, the toys we stock at work, and the various Christmas-themed stuffed animals that I have grabbed for pillows, only to wake up shrieking as they begin blasting "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" when I roll over- but it makes me feel better to know that something like that exists in the world, and that if I were more coordinated, it could be mine.)

tv: grey's anatomy, tv: survivor

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