So, okay. I want to play with
photomosaics. By hand.
After rejecting several other ideas (I was playing with how to make a mosaic self-portrait), I am considering either doing a giant WB logo out of pictures from WB shows from over the years, or a giant Buffy logo made out of images from Buffy.
(I have nine giant boxes, plus a few large piles, of magazines. Also a giant stack of official magazines. Eventually I'm going to need to clean things out, rather than just doing what I'm doing now, which is carefully sorting everything by subject, and making a large collage seems like it would fill that goal.)
On the one hand, something like this would get rid of a ton of stuff, and also it might be really cool.
On the other hand, it would waste a ton of pictures, and I don't really know what I'd do with it. I mean, sure, keep it in the same place where I keep my Big Brother board- but that took only a few hours to make. This would take considerably more than that. And then in a year I move, and... throw it out?
Also, I have no idea how to make a photomosaic. Most people do it with computers, apparently; I would want to do it by hand. Because... yes.
I don't know. When I'm stressed I organize things. I am organizing pictures. I have made my way through two of the boxes, at this point, putting most of the stuff back in the box but placing a few things into specific folders or piles (Reality Television, Muppets, Angel, Charmed, Popular, Buffy, Grey's Anatomy, Felicity, Supernatural, Dawson's Creek, Gilmore Girls, VMars, One Tree Hill, Roswell, and I am... not entirely sure where Smallville and Everwood and the OC went, but they have folders too.)
Right now I have a ton of 8.5x11 cardstock. I also have some 11x18. A quick stop at CVS or Staples would get me a bigger canvas to work with, if I wanted/needed. I'm thinking I would clean my apartment like crazy, and then dedicate a large section of it to art stuff. I could sketch out the general outine on the base, and then start working out picture placement with post-it glue.
I don't know, what do you think?
...The more I consider things like this, the more impressed I am with all of you who do REAL art. Hee.