This is hell with studio lighting.

Apr 01, 2008 09:13

Upon reflection, I am hugely disappointed in fandom.

FACT: Lisa Donahue won BB3.
FACT: Nathan Fillion starred in Firefly, and later in Serenity.
FACT: Lisa Donahue was dating (..."dating") Nathan Fillion in 2005.
FACT: Lisa Donahue was one of the 20 candidates to get into the Big Brother All-Stars House in 2006.
FACT: There is nothing to do in the BB house, especially during an all-star season, except discuss (A) your previous time on the show, (B) your sex life, and (C) Hollywood gossip you've picked up from your days of hanging on the fringe being third-rate celebrities.
FACT: Eight of the All-Stars were decided by fan votes.
FACT: Browncoats are crazy enough to get a movie made, among other things, yet DID NOT THINK THIS MIGHT BE USEFUL.

I just want you all to think about this for a second. Remember my summer of BB7? (For those of you who don't: it was worse than BB8 and BB9 combined.) Now imagine that, instead of Chill Town phone calls and Christmas and "listening to Coldplay", you could have gotten- okay, you would have gotten CT phone calls and Christmas and "listening to Coldplay", but you ALSO would have gotten gossip about Nathan Fillion. And probably the rest of the cast.

And this is going in KNOWING they dated. Think of how fast this fandom figured out that Janelle's boyfriend was Ross Verba. I mean, srsly.

If there's one thing I've learned from my show, it's that no one will ever be quick enough to flame out every discussion of people who didn't sign waivers. Things will always get through.

This is what is called a MISSED OPPORTUNITY, and frankly, Browncoats, you only have yourselves to blame.

(Don't look at me. My energy was devoted to getting Dr. Will back in the house, which was a noble venture. Also, at some point I will make my post about how, having watched the entire series, I actually think All-Stars was well-cast. But it would have been MORE well-cast if they replaced Erika with Lisa. Or- you know, I do have a One True BBAS, but I'm clinging to my delusional hope that at least some of them will make it to All-Stars 2. I mean, they're going to have to have some people besides BB8Dick and BB8Eric and BB9Chelsia, who I figure are all pretty much guaranteed at this point, unless they remember that they have lives outside of BB, which I doubt.)

I have a lot to get done today, you guys. Like, enough that just thinking about it is freaking me out. As a result, I will not be partaking in any April Fools things unless they are hilarious and unharmful.

If they lack harm and contain hilarity, though, bring. it. on.

I can use the joy.

[ETA: they didn't all fit on the icon, so it just has BBers from seasons 2, 3, 4, and 6, but I would have included this for BB5, and BB8 would have been that shot of Eric from BB8 with Rob Cesternino, and/or Evel Dick with... anyone. Possibly Barry Manilow.]

tv: big brother, tv: firefly, organization: to-do lists

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