Why don't grown-ups get naptime?

Mar 17, 2008 20:02

I am trying to keep up with everything, and thus- obviously- falling farther and farther behind. Homework? Forget it. Fandom? Emails? Basic competence on any level? Not so much. In fact, I'm behind on In Treatment, I haven't watched the feeds in a long time, and am having increasingly more detailed and amazingly lovely dreams about how sleep is nice.

I have slept more than 30 of the past 46 hours. This is... probably unhealthy? But man. Staying awake is HARD.

So I am sleeping two out of every three hours in a given day.

And because, obviously, the best solution to being unable to get anything done is to give me more things to do, have yet another meme which will either get done instead of projects I have to get in, or linger in the vague purgatory of half-finished-meme word docs:

Three things ______ did after the world ended by ______.

(It's like madlips writing prompts with BONUS APOCALYPSE! What's not to love?)

New HIMYM in half an hour! Only YOU can prevent forest fires talk to me about Survivor fic I want to write keep me awake for important TV.

*curls up into LJ*


organization: to-do lists, memes

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