comparisons (it's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife)

Apr 14, 2007 13:37

My brain? Not so much with the focusing today. Very much with the patterns, but not so much with the focusing.

So I ramble.


So Drive is premiering... against TAR?

Doesn't that kind of defeat the point of, like... Drive? In general? Which is assuming that {TAR audience + Firefly audience - HIMYM audience} = ratings to last at least through May?

Maybe my math is flawed.

Now I can't watch Drive (whcih is like TAR but with DEATH) until after I watch TAR (which is like Drive but with TripleCha and the BQs of my heart), which means I miss the first half of Drive.

But is it really MISSING it, if I was watching TAR?

...Um. This may be too philosophical for Saturday morning.

Here, have a poll.

Poll TARPoll

Here, have some shallow: Did anyone watch Painkiller Jane last night? Did anyone else think that was (A) delightfully bad and (B) INSANELY gay?

I didn't follow the plot at all, but then, I didn't follow the plot of SGA or SG1. Some nights I am too zoned for complex plotting, I guess. The point is, Kristanna Loken and her chick partner. They look like they're dating. Because it's Kristanna Loken, I do not see the show as NOT persuing this particular avenue, especially since in her interview, KL says that in the comic the partners were... y'know. PARTNERS.

I imagine how much I end up watching this show will be directly proportional to how much fic people start writing and how much show I need to follow said fic.

I am, honestly, completely ashamed at how much I'm not able to follow the plots of either Stargate. I mean, I'm even SPOILED. And yet I sit there saying things like "Wait, is that dude... the guy? With the dude? And that hot chick? People write fic, right? I- dude, that's Merlin, right? And hey, Inara! CRAZY EYES! Or... fuck dammit, I'm lost. Is stuff blowing up yet?"

(Sci Fi is going to have an Evil Creatures From Underwater marathon on 4/28. And then again in mid-May. Why does Snakehead Terror always air with Frankenfish, and why do I ALWAYS WATCH THEM BOTH? They're cheesy and wonderful and over the top, and I adore them, and then I spend the next several months explaining to people how you can't trust anything with gills. I plan to spend that entire day HIDING, listening, and occasionally peering up at the television from under a blanket.)

I need, like, a sci fi mentor. Basically all I'm cut out for right now is waiting for the sequel to Mammoth.

So. Grey's. You know, I am very neutral on Grey's itself right now, because saying anything else seems to evoke others' wrath. Apparently a lot of people are mad at Izzie! Or at Meredith! Or at various ships that may or may not happen!

Personally? Grey's is the rare show that I am both obsessed with and chill about. I'll happily read spoilers but I'm not questing for them; I'll happily defend virtually any writing decision on the show but I'm not annointing Shonda as my personal lord and savior. I can write meta for the show but don't pretend the show's too deep; I can find the pretty in the show without pretending it's too shallow. This maybe my first real Tastes Great/Less Filling, Chocolate in my Peanut Butter/Peanut Butter in my Chocolate fandom, and I have to say I'm enjoying it immensely.

Which is all to say, people posted screencaps from the episode of GA that doubles as the pilot of the spinoff over at medpartytime, and SQUEE. Guys, I love hot people! Being hot! And being Addison!

So that kind of rocks.

Also Chris Lowell, which... heeeeee. He's all shirtless and objectified! Because... she's Shonda. And that's what you do.

And, I mean, maybe I've just drunk too much of the kool-aid, but to me Grey's is so the opposite of VMars in every way, starting with the contrast between Shonda and Rob, and it lets me enjoy both of them more, in some ways, but it also lets me say "Okay, Rob Thomas has the feminists raping a dude, but Shonda has Meredith saying no one gets to call her a whore. Okay. Cosmic balance isn't restored, but at least I know what more people are watching."

It's small comfort, sometimes, but it's there.

Yesterday I mentioned to someone how I felt when the season one finale aired, and how I felt about the very end of it; that I felt it was a (well-planned) narrative strategy to direct summer speculation in a very specific direction. Like, I really do feel the motive revealed in the first season finale is VMars's jump the shark moment that set it up for everything else people are upset about now, and I am trying so hard to find a way to explain this in ways that aren't offensive, which I am failing at, so. Maybe someday.

In short, though: the fact that the show directed story attention towards who was at the door, which they quickly revealed via KWanda was intended to be an object of romantic affections of some sort, was used at least in part to distract the audience from seriously tearing apart the murder and its aftermath, and this particular combination of criminal, motive, and use of cliffhanger also dictated a change in perspective the show took on that I think ultimately could, would, and quite possibly did change the direction of the show in a way that was not so much for the better. And unlike Grey's, which I feel started veering at the two part bomb episode from its mission but appears to be trying to get back on course, three-parter aside (because the three-parter did what that two parter did, in many ways, but was followed by far mellower eps, which was a good sign), VMars embraced this change and it was a poor strategic narrative decision.

...I will elaborate on this at some point. Possibly. Maybe. But if not, let the record show I said it. Hee.

I've been thinking a lot about what media I love.

I like shows for different ages (teen and grown-up and child and everything in between), shows in different genres (because there's really no such thing as non-genre TV, really), shows that are both scripted and unscripted, shows that are done well and shows that aren't. I like shows that make me giggle, shows that make me cry, shows that make me doubt humanity's goodness, and shows that prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's there. I love some shows because they're so real and some because they're so fake, and these don't always correspond to what's sci fi or what's reality and what's regular fiction.

As there are really no ways to tie them all together, I can only assume that the Foxian Unification Theory of Media is that... I like shows that try to fulfill their purpose and make me happy, and anything beyond that is a nice bonus.

"Know your role," the great prophet Will Kirby once said in the summer of the year two thousand and six, and it hardly seems to be my place to fight it.

Which is to say: Dollgate (and NPH and Spool of Lies), "I think I'm a gay" (and all of Will Bella Scout Her Mom), and the whole of Viva Las Vegas (not to mention large portions of End of the World and ARCC) are some of the best things to ever hit airwaves, and nothing you can say will prove differently to me.

pirateygoodness and I are cowriting fic again. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS.

(No, not more sex pollen. Although, yes, that was fairly awesome, thank you for noticing.)

Suit up, fandom. It's gonna be LEGENDARY.


How are you today, internets?

*shares toys*

tv: big brother, tv: medical party time, tv: drive, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: the ros, tv: vmars, tv: the amazing race, poll: the amazing episode titles, tv: painkiller jane

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