It occurs to me that some people reading this might think I am serious about the Big Brother stuff.
And, I mean, I am. In a sense. Reality TV is bringing me intense joy, and I am in no way going to pretend it isn't.
But... part of the fun? Is how unimportant it is, in the greater scheme of things. And how easy it is to sit back and enjoy, because it's trashy summer reality TV. And while no, regular TV is not something Important to devote one's life to (clearly that's what grad school is for), there's lots to analyze there, and think about, and be sincere with.
Big Brother is not about sincerity. It's about laughing at people being dicks.
Which is to say, I like that
Big Brother makes me feel elitist and proud.
No, seriously.
I would like to be insulted by Will and Janelle (mostly Will) complaining about fans being crazy, but honestly? They're right. We DO obsess over something that's three months of their lives and nothing amazing or huge. And, you know, it IS lame. I have never once pretended this BB thing is anything BUT lame. But it's fun lame, the kind of lame that I'm assuming MOST of my flist is embracing, loving shows that they know (um... I think they know) are cheesy and bad but despite that fulfill some deep fannish need, never pretending it's amazing but getting totally swept up in the fannish love, and that's OKAY. That's been me with most of my fandoms, honestly; Grey's, and Alias, and Dawson's Creek, and god, everything. Think of Big Brother as my Supernatural, which has its issues but hits every fannish kink you have, right? Well, BB hits virtually none of my fannish kinks except for watching people suffer, but I get to do it twenty-four hours a day, which I would not do if I had as much fic as y'all have, but there you go. I understand my obsession, I own my obsession, and I do not let it own me.
Then there are the other BB fans. And this is why I stick to LJ for BB, cause dude, bitches are crazy.
Look, I've done the crazy obsessed fandom thing. And people judged me for it, and it hurt, but THEY WERE TOTALLY RIGHT. I mean, there's loving TV, and I'm into that, and then there's taking it too far, and honestly? That's too much! It really really is! And when it's a reality TV show- and not just any reality TV show, but the bottom of the barrel, the SUMMER reality show on CBS? People, limits. Have limits. I am learning my limits in fictional respectable TV, and Winelle people? Let me tell you something. When you find your limits, I think you'll find that you crossed them ABOUT SIXTY BILLION FLAILY WINELLE POSTS AGO.
Everyone is insulted about the chat. INSULTED. Will is evil! Janelle is evil! Laremy is evil! Kids, please. It's a reality TV show, and these are real people, and they were ACTING IN THE SHOW. Know your role! Will said it, like, eighty-six billion times! Can't you be happy with what you got?
The brilliance of this chat was that, to a true tinhat, there were at least a dozen points of fannish blindness entry on EVERY SIDE OF EVERY ISSUE. They're not good enough at acting to cover themselves completely. And yet these fans? Totally missed it, to have nervous breakdowns. WTF, Winelle and Anti-Winelle people?
Like, the thing is? I hate the Winelle fans AND I hate the anti-Winelle fans, but frankly, I love fannish drama. And Big Brother provides that in spades. Maybe THAT'S the fannish kink BB hits. If I posted to fandomwank, I'd be pimping this shit like a mofo.
Honestly, as a fangirl with no particular leanings beyond the awesome that is my boy and my girl, tonight's chat was awesome. The Dynamic Trio of
swsa, and I got three questions asked on there, and that means everything to me. Plus, it broke the Winelle shippers' hearts while simultaneously insulting all the anti-Winelle people.
But, um, Will is right. (See Also: this icon, which is based on a graph he made.) And, I mean, seriously, people. I'd thought I was fairly high on the chart of BB-related lame-ass-ness, given LJ's nonexistant BB fandom, but, um, in terms of the psychotics currently freaking out about today's BB chat on message boards? Dude, I am towards the bottom of the slope. Seriously, I have no idea what that says about me, but whatever it does I think it says more about them, and it's definitely something negative, and the word FREAK features prominently. It's underlined. Bolded. In red. And surrounded by tacky neon stars.
Anyway, the chat earned my love forever. Roughly in order:
- Pre-show, Kaysar and Will and Bear.
- Bear in general. SQUEE.
- Will: "Who are you guys gonna get better info out of this chat, Kaysar oir the dog? They've both got the same amount of knowledge."
Kaysar: "What's that, Bear? Will Kirby's the biggest bullshitter you've ever met?" - There was a PILLOW WALL.
- Will: "No holds barred, you can ask me anything you want. Cause I brought a secret weapon." That secret weapon? Evidence Laremy was in on the site hacking.
- Will: "Don't say this out loud. Just texted me that. Doesn't want it discussed... He didn't want that discussed." "Okay." "I don't think it's a big deal either." "I thought that everyone knew they'd broken up." And with that, Janelle (and Will) gave away Sarah and James's big secret. Whee!
- Janie in her tiara with her wine.
- Will gave Bear a toy doggy to play with, and said he was trying to "Make it nice." (pause) "Baby make it nice."
- "Kaysar, what do you think of hte black scrubs? A little morbid or no?"
- Will: "The only reason I'm doing this is to meet Bear."
- I love that Janie and Holly are friends.
- They were given DRY ERASE BOARDS.
- Will: "Kaysar. What up."
- "You totally cheated there, Janelle!
- Laremy asked if Theo Vonn is (A) a comedian, (B) an MTV reality star, or (C) a guy who calls in to radio stations a lot. (Will won, and Janie contested because she didn't know "All of the above" was an answer choice.)
- They totally asked our question about, if the BB house caught fire, who would they save, Marcellas or James. They didn't cite us- that was in the part with the dry-erase boards- but Will won with his answer of "the hammock". Which was incorrect (correct would be "trampoline"), but man, that shit made me happy. Seriously, I was vibrating with glee.
- The graph, as previously mentioned and as iconed. Not making me any less happy!
- Janelle, protesting, like eight times: "I was drunk!" Oh, Janie. You were high on Xanax too, don't forget!
- Will's transcript of Laremy and the hacker. Man, I like my vindictive evil boyfriend. He is totally BLACKMAILING THE CHAT. How awesome is that!
- The Winelle questions: Annoying as shit. Janelle actually having to explain what "Winelle" is to Will: priceless.
- "You guys know Janelle and I are married, right? We got married in Las Vegas last week."
- Everyone knew Will only was willing to come on if Boogie was there. Did anyone know Janie would only come on if Howie and Kaysar would? Cause for AWESOME. I mean, seriously, it really bothered me that it was just Will, but now that I know that's how everyone rolled? AWESOME.
- "Why does Boogie dress like Vanilla Ice?" comes from out little trio of awesome too. You can tell because, unlike most of the questions, it made no one uncomfortable and failed to suck like a hoover.
- "It was late-night venting. It wasn't like I rang a doorbell for 45 minutes."
- Will mentioned h8rade! Man, it's like he KNOWS us.
- Boogie and Will have been offered pilots! And, god, I would love to watch anything they do. I hate myself for it, bu I totally would.
- TAR! I love that all they're willing to confirm is that they won't be on next season. You know... TAR All-Stars. HEART. Also, that Will said TAR "isn't chomping at the bit for ME". With a little look at Janie. I hope they make it, and the text by their names? Showmance. DARE TO DREAM, KIDS.
- Question number three from us: if you were producing the show, what would you have changed? Heh. Go team us! (Answer: better rewards, bigger punishments. Duh.)
- Will, about fans: "You guys live in a fantasy world and it's freaky." Hee.
- Bear ate the symbolic grapefruit. Janie: "He's hypoglycemic!"
- About Howie's girlfriend: "And she's totally normal, and actually, Howie's normal with her." AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
- "We started bombing Iraq, no offense, Kaysar."
- Janelle's still part of CT!
- Janie saying Scout looks "ratty" and Will being all "Yo, careful." Aw, PUPPIES.
- "Scout doesn't hump stuff!"
"Shut up! He's nervous!"
"In case you were wondering if Scout liked the gift I gave him? He loved it." - Also, "I didn't plan for Bear to hump the, ah...", and "Let him hump Kaysar." Heeeeeeee.
- About Erika: "Everyone hated her."
- Will, about the MySpace-stealer: "I'm coming after you, bitch!" He also had her work info, and threatened to show it on air. "Don't F with Chilltown. Just don't do it.
- "Who does your boyfriend play for? I like that team."
- "If you had to spend 30 days with either Alison or Maggie, who would you choose?" Hee. Um, a question not from me that I liked! I know, crazy. Topped off by Janie and Will agreeing that Ali is hot!
- "I said hot. Sorry Marcellas!"
- Will's checklist. Heeeeee.
- Oh, Will and Janie. "Do you get letters from jail?"
- JANIE LIKES HEROES. My god, it's like CHRISTMAS IN ME LAND. Janelle listed Friday Night Lights and TAR and Heroes as her shows! Man, it's like we're TWINS. Except I don't watch FNL. But I can start! (Hee.)
- Will has NPH programmed into his cell. Dude, how AWESOME.
- Will twirling Janie.
- Will twirling Kaysar.
If anyone besides us cares, it's totally up on YouTube and pretty easy to find.
Seriously, guys, the chat was orgasmic, for any fan who kind of casually adores the show, for being a genius self-aware car wreck. Which it is! And I love it for that!
Also, it proved to me that if we ran BB fandom? It'd be a pretty rockin' place.
Also. Dude. James and Sarah, broken up. I feel like I should have more to say. But I don't.
Will chose the hammock. What else do I need from life?
So. Um. That was an alarmingly long post to explain that I think fandom is lame for being involved, and it turned into why I'm so involved. Yes, I am a little ashamed. Hee.
Anyway, the summed up points:
People take their ships too fucking seriously, people take fandom too seriously, mocking your own interests is healthy, and Will and Janelle are awesome.
All in all, a good day, kids.
And possibly the first step towards laying BB7 to rest.
I think I should be totally ready to let go of it by June, easily. Maybe even May.
...When will the BB8 casting be out, again?