I am ready to crawl out of my skin today, for reasons which have absolutely nothing to do with reality TV. It's that last part that makes me nervous.
Nonetheless, I will provide a post pretty much entirely about reality TV, because that's less whiny and far more distracting.
I am rewatching Big Brother 2, to win back some of my Will love after he broke my heart a little last night on the feeds.
(side note: God DAMMIT, people, I am supposed to have shows that don't hurt me. And I fail at that SO HARD. How could a show like Veronica Mars make me mad? How could a show like Grey's Anatomy make me sob like a little bitch? How could reality TV break my heart? DAMMIT WILL.)
Anyway, it's working; I miss this Will, who was cocky and a dick but, after week four, not accompanied by Boogie.
(It turns out my problem with Will is not so much him being a dick; it's him being a dick when accompanied by his little showmance. Sorry, "best friend".)
Anyway. Will's gorgeous and brilliant, I'm looking forward to Justin's knifeviction already, Boogie leaving early will bring me intense amounts of joy, and Nicole... when was Nicole hot? Seriously, was I just too medicated or too straight in season two? Nicole's hot. I mean, this is before she went absolutely batshit post-footjob, but hot! Also, I saw Monica's first "It's onnnnnnnn" againand feel all warm and fuzzy as a result.
I think my next goal is BB6, for the Rise and Still Rise of Janelle Pierzina (Senor Kirby YOU HAVE MET YOUR MATCH), but not til tonight, when I am more secure in people's DR entries. (I'm hoping very hard for DR segments between set-ups for the challenges tonight.)
Tonight's a big episode- double eviction to the final four- so again, if anyone wants to jump right in?
My BB7 Pimp Post, and I will totally be on IM during the show if you have any questions. Or if you wanna support me through my heartbreak. Oh, Janey, make the final four, okay?
A Question elefanatic and I have been discussing, which is... probably pretty much only of interest to SIG people, but I know a bunch of you are on my flist, so. There's also a facebook comm about organizing a SIG reunion; feel free to pop over there. We have many questions. Which is to say, we miss all of you guys. A lot.