feeds (i like girls that wear abercrombie and fitch)

Aug 25, 2006 13:04

So I didn't realize how awesome the live feeds are. Firstly, because the content is so gold I can't stop talking about it (um- anyone I was talking to last night? Sorry. Really sorry. Not sorry enough to stop, but...), and secondly because when I go to sleep (at. Um. 5:30 AM. Shut up. It was after I'd wached several hours of live feeds, plus Who Wants To Be--)

Okay, hold on.


Seriously, last night made me CRY LIKE A LITTLE GIRL. Stan! Getting Chris his daughter! Who's so proud of him! He's HER hero!

OMG, guys, that was so wonderful. I loved that once he took off the cape, he stopped being Major Victory and started being Chris... but he was still a hero.

I really don't know if I want Feedback or Fat Momma to win. I'd be so happy for both of them either way. When Fat Momma started crying because she was worried about Feedback and, even though she'd said two weeks ago that he deserved to go, was ready to go in his place? That is what makes a Superhero. I feel like Stan would have kept Major Victory until next week, were it not for that. And I thought his complimenting of Feedback was for her as much as for him.

This show is pretty much Big Brother for me, without the stress, and I loved it.

Anyway. Last night I watched live feeds for a while, and during down times and flames (I GET FLAMES NOW!!! YAY!) I watched Who Wants To Be A Superhero, and I now understand everything Julie has told me about how STRESSFUL the feeds were. I wanted to see Mike Boogie go down on Erika just to secure she wouldn't nom Janey and CT in the same week, if that shows you how much it screwed with my emotions!

cosmorific: I never want to see Mike Boogie go down on anyone, ever.
fox1013: I was literally sitting at the computer
fox1013: and I was waiting for the strategy talk to turn to porn
fox1013: because the second it shfited I was gone
fox1013: but Erika kept adjusting her bikini and I was sitting there going STOP TALKING ABOUT WHO'S GETTING EVICTED SO I CAN AVOID MAYBE SEEING YOUR TITS PLZTHX
cosmorific: You.... don't want to see her tits?
fox1013: She is too thin and gross and bony
cosmorific: Fair enough.
fox1013: http://www.bigbrothercaps.com/screencaps/message.php?f=7&i=6216&t=6216#reply_6216
cosmorific: Holy damn. If she turned sideways she'd disappear.
fox1013: Do you see why it's creepy?
cosmorific: Yes.
cosmorific: Although I don't think you'd be in danger of seeing her tits, given that she doesn't have any.
fox1013: Yes, but the robot guns stored in her ribcage could scar me for life.


I am waiting for my boyfriend and girlfriend to stop being cute. It has not yet happened. They are in love. THEY ARE IN LOVE DAMMIT. *tinhats* Also, any time Will wants to sing 90s songs? I'm totally an official fan. In case you were wondering.

Last night, when I couldn't fall asleep til after 5:30 (life lesson: don't nap from 5:00 PM to 7:30-- although I was awake before noon, so whatever), I made a chart of what would happen when each person was nommed, and which to veto. Once I figure out how I can LJ it with proper links, I... probably still won't because I think only juliedarling cares, and I have already emailed it to her. Even though now it has gotten worse and includes notes as to who will be nommed originally, what will happen with each veto, and so on.

God, I miss the coup d'etat already. That kind of sucked as a power, considering Boogie never used it. And, you know, LOST IT FOR BEING A DICKWEED.

Last night on the feeds they talked about s2 a lot. God, I know that's boring as shit for all of them in there, and for everyone who's had the feeds forever, but it made me happy as all fuck.

The thing is, the feeds are kind of the best white noise to sleep to ever. It's people whispering and conspiring, but they're not bothering me while I'm trying to sleep, and when I wake up in the middle of the night I have a better than one in four chance of Janey and Will being adorable together. Win!

I want an icon, incidentally, of James leaving the BB house with his fucking doll, with the text of "Mommy, Mommy, I want a James doll". Come on, it'd be FUNNY.

And I'm... going to stop talking about this now, because I sound even crazier than I am.

Things of actual import:

Jen and I posted more Crackverse last night, if anyone missed it (previous adventures tagged here).

It is romanticalgirl's birthday! Clearly to celebrate this, she sent me a package with TV GUIDES because she is the best person ever! (Laura, I'll be sending you Muppetses soonish, but when depends on me finding the post office, SO. Hee.) Anyway, happy birthday! *plays with toyses*

I have orientation in just over a week! HOW CRAZY IS THAT. I am way excited to start classes, actually. I am a much more efficient slacker when I am slacking in between doing actual work.

...I can't believe I have nothing else to say that isn't Big Brother related. I'm trying so HARD, guys.

But, um, flames are off, so. Back to the Live Feeds.

(If the BB7 talk got longer than I thought, I'll go in and put it all under a cut. Sorry in advance.)

bb, tv: big brother 7

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