I am renaming Big Brother 7 "Whore or Satan?"
Cause those are our choices.
Dirty Drunken Whore or Soulless Machiavellian Satan.
Instead of packing, I spent today reading Jessica's MBTV recaps of Big Brother 2. I don't care what you think about MBTV now; that shit was AWESOME.
Here, reminisce. God, I love
Will. Okay, from my position having watched all of one season of BB- that'd be 2, aka I LOVE YOU EVIL DOCTOR WILL- I am very sure I want Will, Bunky, and Monica in the house (and HOW AWESOME were all of them? Will with "Try to vote against me. Just try. You can't!", Bunky with "I am not going to cry at all this time", and Monica's MONTAGE OF IT'S ONS), and I want no part of Boogie. None at all. But, heh, even Krista wouldn't marry him. Krista, who thought Justin was the nicest guy she'd ever dated. Feel that, Boogie? ATOMIC BURN.
I don't know anyone else, and I would actually love to see recaps of who did what on BB1,3,4,5,&6. I need to know who to love and who to hate.
But. Far more importantly.
I want to vote for Will. And I want to meet Will, which the nice people who live in the shiny box informed me would be possible.
Okay, kids, consider this an open thread. Let's talk Big Brother 7. Aaaaaaaaaand go!