.....after Sparky's announcement about that green Decepticon being allowed free run of the Ark, he showed up down here in medbay to have a tracker istalled. I don't know why, but I felt the need to warn Ratchet that the job needed to be done quick as possible and our "visitor" tossed back out into the halls
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Comments 32
Ratchet! Stand still so I can get a look at you and for Primus' sake, stop throwing stuff!
*Ratchet staggers a little, his optics completely dark. The table nearby is an absolute mess, as it appears he spilled over the main toolbox he'd been working out of when the light hit him...there are still shards of that on the floor.*
Wheeljack?? Thank PRIMUS. I can't see A THING! ...musta fried a few wires when that lighting came down....
*He sways a little, then collapses onto his aft.* Argh...an' slaggin' internal stabalizers are glitchin', too...
At least it wasn't due to a voluntary splading-out of one's eyes.
*The engineer crosses the room, pieces of the shattered light fixture crunching under his feet, and crouches next to the medic. He gets a grip on Ratchet's forearms, and tenses up, preparing to help the heavier, and somewhat larger bot to his feet.*
Skyfall? Can you come give me a hand, and just help me make sure he doesn't overbalance when I get him standing, ok? And whatever you do, don't get yourself hurt if he goes down again.
*The smaller bot scurries over and positions herself behind and slightly to one side of the medic.*
[Ratchet] ...you two are making me feel like a useless lead weight, here.
*Finch smirks as Wheeljack starts to pull Ratchet to his feet, the larger bot having a little trouble finding his footing as he's brought up off the floor.*
Ah, come on, Ratch. You're not useless. Lead weights are good for lots of things...like paperweights, doorstops... ^_^;; *She steadies him from behind, keeping on the alert in case he goes down BACKWARDS.*
[Ratchet] Slaggit, save the weight jokes for Shockwave! X(
First of all, how much pain are you in, Ratch, and second, tell me exactly how you feel right now... how much can you see, things like that...
*Finch, in the meantime, keeps her distance, letting Wheeljack do his job.*
*Wheeljack paused, then tried to put a light tone in his voice as he went on.*
That is, if there's anything to look at in there, of course.
*The engineer picked up a penlight, and let a set of his mismatched lenses drop down from his own helmet to cover his optics. He leaned over the table, and began a detailed examination of the medic's optics as he spoke.*
*He paused, silent a moment...then...*
...that aside, do what ya need to. ...this darkness is drivin' me nuts.
I'll just make certain I'm hiding behind Sunstreaker when I say something then.
*A pause, and the engineer rested his hand on his best friend's shoulder for a moment.*
...all right, Ratchet. I'm going to put you into stasis for a while until I figure out what's going on.
*The medic then nodds, frowning, one hand reaching to rest against Wheeljack's lower arm...half feeling about a moment before actually finding it...resting his hand there for a few seconds.*
...right.... See you in a bit, I hope. *A small smirk plays across his faceplate at the jest.*
*insert an unamused laugh here* :p
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