I'm done with my two interviews at NTU and SMU!
Hopefully I will be able to land a spot in either universities.
So now I'm back to work, no more slothing around at home.
I am really addicted to reading
karencheng's blog now.
Her post about her children really make me smile, I think it will make anyone in the world smile.
Well this guy on the edge likes to draw moustaches on paintings of people. And he crept into this house and saw a painting of a man, and he drew a moustache on him! But he didn’t know that the painting was actually a real man who was standing very, very still. on the other side of a window frame. So he looked like a painting! And now the real man had a moustache and he was angry so he booted the first man out of the house and the arrow shows that he flew off the side of the chalk board.
♥ Her kids are real geniuses!
How I wish that my kids will be like hers next time.