A couple of BIG stepping stones were accomplished this week. The appraiser's figures are going to be alot higher than what we had originally thought, but that's a good thing! I'm contracted in for a specific amount and any amount over that purchase price is considered equity. Even if it's only 2k, it's 2k more than what I thought I was going to have.
The home inspector was out tonight and said the house is very sturdy and whoever moved it in the 80's must have known what they were doing because he said that it is just a perfect fit. There are still a couple of minor things that still need to be done, such as the fence needs fixed and some shingles need to be glued down. He even said not to replace the windows because of the beautiful wood - just get new storms. Other than that, everthing looked very good. A home inspection was the best $225 I have ever spent in my life. Peace of mind does not have a monetary value.
Lori came over and we measured for curtains - she used to work for Penney's catalog center, so she's a big help! I also bought my new bedroom suite yesterday. It's
HERE. I still need to buy a mattress, a new entertainment center and maybe a recliner. But of course, that can't come until I move in. My mind is WAY ahead of my budget.
THIS SITE has been extremely helpful to me to be able to picture what needs to go where. I'm definately going to have to visit one of their stores this weekend.
My mind is absolutely whirring with questions, answers, ideas, more questions, feel-like-I'm-gonna-puke feelings etc. Holy shit I'm a homeowner.
I'll wait until after the holidays are over and I've had a chance to make my house a home and I will have a very big housewarming party. Y'all are invited to it!!!
I'm supposed to close the day after Thanksgiving, 11/25, but now I hear talk of closing sooner. Not sure I want to close any sooner, 11/23 would be my only other choice. I haven't even begun to pack yet. That will definately be this weekend. God I have so much to do! I'm babbling, sorry, will go now.