Jul 26, 2008 00:14

Character: River Tam.
Series: Firefly
Character Age: 17.
Canon: It's 2517 and Earth's been shitcanned for space exploration. River Tam is a bright, athletic girl from the wealthy Inner Planets Alliance who was accepted into a prestigious academy. Unfortunately, her scholarship included Deadly Government Assassin Training 101, the cafeteria menu was roofies, and a not-quite-lobotomy removed her emotional 'filters' and gave her a psychic insight into the world. The side-effect was a bad case of batshit insane. When her brother, Simon, realized something was wrong, he used all his money and ninja skillz to jailbreak her. They end up on the spaceship Serenity, befriending and endangering the motley crew who turn a profit doing the new solar system's odd jobs.

A whole bunch of gunfights and a feature film later, River is finally adjusting to life outside the Academy. Finding a place on Serenity seems important to her, as does helping her brother regain some semblance of the life he lost for her. Beneath the Aspergers-level intelligence, schizophrenic babble, and I Can Kill You With My Brain is still a teenage girl who has missed a whole lot of life's opportunities and who knows she will never be 'normal'.

Notes: Like everyone in her 'verse, River speaks Mandarin Chinese; the line here is a curse lifted from her dialogue.

Sample Post:

Walk, don't run. Pretend like they can't see you, maybe then you won't feel them aching for home, mixing up in your own ache, like the spaces between the stars. They sent me away again, but I'm too old for Clue.

Old enough that I don't need to hold your hand, Simon. Have to get by without you. Have to keep the ship flying. Don't let them see the tears, rotting liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh bun ur-tze. Faces half off and pretending to smile, shambling around. They've been here too long. I'd be better off with zombies. No taste in a damaged brain. I don't have a flavor.

This Camp is a statistical improbability, you know; a thousand by nine and you can't go higher. I keep trying to find the right theory… tried Bose-Einstein, you can touch but you can't overlap. Not a fair rule. Packed my ballet shoes and they've forbidden dancing; too scared of the truth in swaying hips. I can feel … the combustion here. Pent up. Needs fuel. We could sell the toys, I've learned to make a profit. Put this camp on the map. Lambda and phi; or was it extreme and mean? It's a comfort, helps if she sings herself to sleep, digit by digit. One point six one eight zero three three nine-

More bits and bile. Came up with the numbers. Like the snake and the apple, it's a physical symptom. I'm just allergic to calamari. Shouldn't stay near the lake too long, but it's the only place I can be singular. Too close and it all gets packed in tight, everything happening at the same time and everything gets confused, hard to say what's inside and what's out, it's not fair, there's enough overcrowding as it is.

Look in your eyes, same as they used to get when I'd walk in on them laughing. Don't ask me my name, too many people here have heard it already. Besides, it's easy to deduce. Mightn't be safe for a young girl here but I don't know what I am anymore. A weapon, maybe, or a ship.

You can rig the dice but it doesn't matter. In the end, it's just a game - and you'll lose it.

IN with 98.3%


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