Nov 14, 2005 15:29
n64guys5: hi
fourstringmirage: hey
n64guys5: hey
n64guys5: what?
n64guys5: whats going on
n64guys5: buddy
n64guys5: slut i will kill you
fourstringmirage: Rob
fourstringmirage: you
fourstringmirage: should
n64guys5: ok u suck
fourstringmirage: do something other
fourstringmirage: than what you've been doing
n64guys5: oh you know what?
n64guys5: guess?
n64guys5: what i am doing?
n64guys5: hey you
n64guys5: yes you
n64guys5: god damn you
n64guys5: i am jackass,arent i?
fourstringmirage: well, you don't seem to in command of the english language at the moment
n64guys5: you know you love me
n64guys5: i love you
n64guys5: hey
n64guys5: well i like to be dominated
n64guys5: oh yeah baby
n64guys5: spank that
fourstringmirage: Something tells me you had a good day
fourstringmirage: or that you're not Rob at all
n64guys5: oh yeah, i got some
n64guys5: damn you
n64guys5: but who am i?
n64guys5: guess?
n64guys5: please?
n64guys5: i am sad and lonely
n64guys5: god damn you are slow
n64guys5: i am a female
n64guys5: i think
n64guys5: fine please dont tell rob we were on okay
fourstringmirage: god damn
fourstringmirage: if I had ever bothered to learn your name this would have been slightly less boring
fourstringmirage: Lauren?
n64guys5: what?
n64guys5 signed off at 3:17:15 PM.
n64guys5 signed on at 3:17:46 PM.
n64guys5: hello
n64guys5 signed off at 3:23:40 PM.