Jun 06, 2006 12:13
I'm just a little miffed at the moment and i'm going to vent my frustrations here.
Hippocracy is one thing that just pisses me off. Now i know i'm a hippocrite for even saying that because i'm a hippocrate too. EVERYONE is at some point in time - in one way or another- for wahtever reason. Everyone has moments of hippocracy. So dont go pointing out everyone else's faults when you know you have your own.
YES. there are a lot of christians that are big fucking hippocrites and really just big assholes that judge everyone and mix politics and religion and force their views down people's throats. YES. I totally agree.
But then again there are plenty who are not like that. So to make a rash judgement over all christians saying they're republican assholes who are trying to force you to be a certain way is just as bad as them saying all ...i duno whatever they're saying. You're being just as big a hippocrite and being just as judgemental and buying into stereotypes as much as they are.
I thought we artistic folk were supposed to be accepting and tolerant of all people despite their views... We can accept people who "choose alternative lifestyles" but not people who choose "normal" or "conventional" one? We can accept alcohol and drugs and nicotine and sex but not people who choose not to do those things...?
To me thats being just being as big of a stubborn headed bigot as the people out there trying to ban gay marriage.