Oct 19, 2006 22:20
Well, here is a summary for those who care:
Working on getting film group in the air. Now officially double majoring. Applying for a London internship organizing a Sylvia Plath symposium. Really hope I get it--have been annoying nearly everyone blabbing about it and trying to convince people to edit my application. I should probably work on being less obnoxious.
Also looking for a third roommate for an apartment, not as easy as Michelle and I had anticipated at first! So many people are staying in the dorms or have made other commitments or have housing agreements without room for both of us. Well, we've got a few months, there's still time for someone to turn up!
Working very hard on screenplay. Alternate between being creatively exhausted and overflowing with ideas. I think I'm really succeeding in tying in the visual in this one, which I think was a problem in some of my others, as dialogue (my favorite monster) reared its head and swatted images out of the way. Have only shared with one person so far, but will be looking for more readers/editors/idea-bouncers in the near future.
Anyway, back to work!