I've been reading too much Hetalia. Seriously. I went to research Anne of Cleves (Jenna and I have been watching The Tudors), and I was trying to figure out exactly what "Germany" she came from. Anyway, in my research, I was reading something about Germany at the time, and the article I read mentioned the "Polish/Lithuanian Commonwealth" and I actually squealed out loud. There's something wrong with me. But seriously, I love Poland to death. Especially when he's with Liet.
I've been working on Story Eater a bit. Most recently I've decided to replace the Japanese Toshi/Toki whatever with a Mexican/Spanish boy named [something] Cordero. I want to make his first name something embarrassing so he goes by his last name. Anyway, he's basically going to be what I'd planned for Toshiwhatever, only his history's going to have changed a bit. Also I get to throw in some sexy sexy Spanish.
I was reading some Patricia McKillip book and got the sudden urge to write a little short Story Eater blurb, so here it is. It's super un-edited and poorly thought out. But it's here. And it means I'm getting a better handle on my own stuff.
Let Sleeping Dragons
Noli was sleeping, her body draped across the table as though it was a bed. Her head was pillowed on her arms, and for the first time Dorje thought she was dangerous.
It was as if he had never seen her. He had never thought of what it meant to be older than houses, older than history, as old as fire. He had never considered the massive strength held in age alone, and the burning passion that kept that strength in ready reserve.
She looked, to him, like a dragon.
He had a vision of her suddenly, the great Story Eater curled on piles of books hoarded like gold in some sunken cavern. Books that moved hearts and those that were merely words gathered under her body. Around her were bone-wastes of paper strewn across the floor in terrifying numbers. Her mouth was open, bronze skin stretched as she held a word between her sharp teeth.
And suddenly, as though a page was turned, he saw her merely as she was: tight sinew relaxed, white hair tangled, the tips of her ears red with sleep. Dorje shuddered for a moment, feeling the ages of the world should be kept secret, and then lifted his stack of books to resume cataloguing.