Jan 06, 2017 23:52
2017, new years resolutions, yada yada.
I like new years resolutions as such, but I usually lack the real-live support group that according to everybody knows (TM) is essential, or at least very helpful, to keep them up for more than a week.
My most urgently felt resolution is: spend Christmass 2017 outside of my own home land. Xmass saps energy out of me like crazy, the preparations, the enforced merryment, and the effort of making nice. When it's finally over, I barely have the energy for common household chores, and it takes a week till I'm back to normal. Whatever the reason: I need to try how it feels to be at a safe distance.
Is there such a thing as a Xmass Grouch self-help group? And I don't mean one that heals you from being a Grouch. I mean one that helps you making the most of being a Grouch.
Less anti-social resolutions: go through a number of 30 day challenges, to start with:
- get up with the sunrise (that certainly should be easy enough in January!) and
- meditate 20 minutes a day
It's ridiculously difficult.
I can barely concentrate on my own breath for more than one breath before some distraction makes it into my mind.
And while I can, if necessary, lever myself out of bed at 5:30 if my job demands it, I oversleep shamelessly when it doesn't.
Also: Yoga. I love it, I love the challenge of it, but the hard part is to be satisfied with doing it and not let the slow progress discourage me.