Sep 11, 2006 06:04
Well. That was interesting.
I'm back in my normal body... So, uh... Xehanort, I guess you'll get your assistant back now. And thanks, lady, for keeping my body the way it was. I dunno about you guys, but I'd flip if my hair was died pink or put into pigtails. I have to remember to get the lady's name if I ever see her again. Can't just keep calling her 'lady.' Well, maybe I could if I were British or something, but I'm not and that's besides the point.
All the voices are back. While I don't think I missed them, but it was getting too quiet without them there. Although Red Voice is louder than usual. I am so fucking tired of hearing that voice...
Some of you all seemed pretty calm about this when in most places this would have caused widespread panic. Is this sort of thing... Normal around here? Like, do you body-switch of a regular basis or something? Because that's kinda weird, even by my standards.
Oh... And I wasn't going to bring this up, but are the houses normal too? One sorta shifted around when I went inside, and now it looks like my room from the real world which is where I would be if I wasn't hallucinating.
...I should probably just stop asking questions, since no one's likely to tell me anything anyway. It's a lot like the other hallucination, really. Except there are less people covered in fur and more people that are like, vampires or Final Fantasy characters or something.
[[OOC: Strikeouts are actually pretty easy to hack since Kano is teh suxors with a computer.]]