Entourage Fiction Fest!! Take Two

Feb 01, 2009 23:48

I'm a sucker for festivals, and carnivals, and cotton candy. But in particular: fic fests!

"Always wanted to know what it'd be like if E and Vince were in a rock band? Think they'd look hot in prison orange? Want to explore what the world would be like if Turtle were the famous one?

Entourage Fest Take 2: The AU Edition is now accepting prompts!"

Two key points: You can put up a prompt without volunteering to write.  So if you're just a lurking reader, by all means -- get thee to this site and throw some plot bunnies up!  Second point: Prompts are being accepted now; story nabbing will start on February 14.

Clicky on the picture to get more details.  Yes?  Yes.  I plan to play along.


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