(no subject)

Nov 23, 2009 00:17

jens is gone until friday! and without him, I have run out of other ways to procrastinate photo assignment. which will get done tonight since it's easy enough and will be quick once I buckle down.

but now that I've seen more than a season of Dollhouse, it's clear that it's the same as Firefly but without the space cowboys. Where shall we start? A character list.
Topher's Wash. That was clear from the first episode.
Paul's Mal. Made even more apparent recently from all the times he gets beaten to a pulp and sticks to his ideals.
Echo is River- a skinny, dark-haired asskicking girl who recalls and speaks to countless personalities? hel-lo!

It could be argued that:
Boyd is Book, especially considering the last episode I saw
Adele is Inara (I know, ironic choice considering the REST of them are the ones doing the companioning!)
and Dr. Saunders is Simon.
Sierra might be Zoe but that's more purely from looks than any other.

who does this leave out? Jayne and Kaylee. I guess Melly could have been Kaylee, that long while ago.

Now, I don't know if Buffy aligns in this same way, but...

on another note, I'm going to be in Addis in two weeks. and my bottom teeth are moving thanks to one rogue homefry from brunch with Jo more than a month ago, which bent the permanent retainer in there. the dentist said there was no problem, but there is a bit. it's changed the way I say S and now I feel a bit of a gap between the middle two that might be forming. problematic?

off to write the aperture assignment. you know how they say ADDers have problems with dopamine? aka the reward hormone? I think this is why I always "reward" myself before doing anything worth rewarding. hee.

tv, to do, travel

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