(no subject)

Jan 03, 2009 23:57

addenda to resolutions:

a. Stop worrying so much
b. Re-commit to being a GOOD teacher- this includes preparation and knowing precise definitions.

Beginning the search for flights to the states for my cousin's bar mitzvah, and stressing about it. For one thing, J found insanely cheap fares to Denver (we are talking less than 350 euro round trip) so I want to go there with him this summer. Don't know when those fares will end, so I want to buy the flights now. With the money I'd need to pay for the flight to the bar mitzvah. And flying to NJ just for the weekend seems really ridiculous- losing at least half a day in traveling, getting there Friday evening and leaving Sunday, totally messing up my circadian rhythms just for two days...
But anyway, we'll see. Jens has sort-of offered me his Continental miles for the BM, but I told him not to... and I want to talk to my parents about it, too. Maybe I'll get enough money from graduation gifts that I will be able to pay for both flights... this would be fabulous. I'm seeing my parents next month! And tomorrow is the six-month mark from when I met the guy who's now my boyfriend.

boys, stress, travel, resolutions

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