Sep 16, 2008 08:59
so, I got a phone call Friday from another English school in Dublin who got my CV the same time as Abbey. The dude said I should call or email back about interviews. Funny thing is this place has actually taken or co-employs a whole lot of teachers from Abbey. Anyway, though, I emailed them yesterday and got a response back that they'd contact me about possible positions opening in early October.
(Potential) score! I think their website says they have some morning-only classes- that'd be wonderful if I got it.
To do today: call visa office, find that book I checked out on K's student card that's wicked overdue, edit my conclusion, teach, and dinner at Jens's. He's making pizza with so-fresh-it's-shipped-overnight-from-Italy (and goes bad within 3 days) mozzarella and turkey pepperoni. Color me stoked!
I gotta edit my arse off this week. It's hard to motivate myself to do that. I'm at the end-in-sight stage where it's kinda like "can't I just make what I've got presentable and be done with it?" Obviously I know I can't, and I'm gonna pull through and soon enough be done and handing in something I'm way proud to call mine.
EDIT re visa: after like four phone calls and "call here" and "call there"s, I got to the GNIB (that's the Garda National Immigration Bureau). The dude said all I need is a letter from College saying I won't get my results til February and they can extend my student visa just like that. So now I gotta figure out who to talk to in College and how to prove that I won't graduate til February.
I also found info on the thesis binding centre. The slowest they go is 48 hours, and if I need to I can email the thing in! Insane! I'm still aiming to get it in Wednesday (24th) just so it's off my mind. Thursday is the absolute latest I want to do.
and I don't think I'm going to hear from Jeff at all re this draft. Oh well, I can do it myself.
to do,