scrapped going to the library in favor of devouring the ten library books that I have here. It's mostly working, but it's SLOW GOING! Boo. Also I'm 200 words away from Jeff's uppermost limit and I STILL have not touched the stuff on language attitudes (which is a third of the paper, number-of-headings-wise). Finally, I get to the too-many-words stage and he can say "I was right! It's ONLY 15,000 words." I still have all my data analysis to do, transcriptions before that and a conclusion after.... BUT I'm not thinking about that until I finish this intro. I wish I could stop time for about a week and progress like the tortoise instead of the hare. TCD's psych would be mad at me because I'm going to take Ritalin more than she wants me to so I can focus from morning til late night. I never get to sleep before 1am anyway, so I might as well use that time to do work instead of unwind. Just for this week. At the end of the week when I finish the intro, Candice will give me a face massage. And in a week I get to see my grandparents!
PS did i mention that Ali, the Brazilian I've had from the beginning at work, is cooking dinner for the girls in the class on Friday. I said I'd love to go... and then I'll see Jens afterwards. He gets back in the morning, but I can't see him until I'm finished. Duh. Maybe he'll be kept up late by jetlag anyway. So I need to have the intro done before 6pm Friday, which is when I catch a Luas to Ali's place. How cute.
Friday I'll just spend the day in the library (ACTUALLY the whole day) doing fixes and tweaks. Which means Thursday is an all-nighter if I need it to be. Today I'm doing everything I can with the books I have here before and after work, and tomorrow I'm going to the library to a) finish up the books I started yesterday and b) add polish to everything I will finish today by inserting new perspectives from other books.
Let's put this into something legible.
Before work:
Make a firm structure for globalisation, Ireland entering EU, Role of Population Movement. Use Anthropology of Ireland chapter 7 to its utmost.
Language and Nationalism: use Fishman 1972 to its utmost
After work:
Make error correction for Weds's teaching
Reconsider how much History is included (can shear 500 words from that if I cut out everything pre-1800)
Begin Language Attitudes- Language Use (use Aine's thesis + NI perspectives)
Any last thoughts on Language Shift (should be fine), Formation of the State (nearly fine), Language Policy in the State (more on current policies, post-Official Languages Act)
If not finished with Fishman 1972 re: Language & Nationalism, finish that
Language Revival: other countries' perspectives (look at Fishman 1972- will want more from his other book in library)
Finish referencing books on EU and Language Policy (tie in with Irish perspectives on integration, Council of Europe, etc), UK language policy in the modern day, nationalism from Northern Ireland, NI attitudes on language use, AND policy re: public broadcasting. Re-popularising the language. (Ussher: 800s, 820s and 890s)
Write firm structure for Language Learner Motivations (find as many Dornyei books as possible: Ussher 8p10 and 8p18)
After work:
Find CLCS citation guidelines. If I can't find them, email Jeff.
Anything that remains from home books (integrate Crane Bag stuff to nationalism & language attitudes. Integrate Williams book into EU language policy. Integrate The Soul of Ireland into attitudes. Integrate Reflections into attitudes. Integrate Who Needs Irish into everything, respective of each article.)
Get Fishman's other book from Lecky, add it to Language Revival
Work on these 2 Language Attitudes sections: Language Policy (go for CLAR) & Language Learners (may just need to take stuff from preexisting books)
When the library closes, email myself a copy and go to reading room to print it.
During movie at work: review what I've written. One final look at what still needs to be added.
After work: make fixes noted on printed copy. Also this is time to get my citations right. Make a works cited and find/fix every in-text citation.
Get to the library at 10am and do everything else that needs to be done. Finish a solid 1.5th draft by closing bell at 4:45 and email it to Jeff.
Go to dinner at Ali's
See Jens for celebration
Candice wants me to clean the kitchen today, too. I understand the whole "stuff needs to be kept clean and last weekend was my turn to do it" but honestly I want her to understand the "all others' needs, including public chores, fall by the wayside when I want to finish my intro in three days and have a very specific schedule in order to accomplish this."
I'm past my deadline of "finish lj by 3:30" by 15 minutes. I'm gonna go write that firm structure on EU, the new nationalism, and population movement.