(no subject)

Aug 16, 2008 19:19

Yeah, no power walk. All day til about 6 was pissing rain. We did get a good thunderclap out of it just before the rain stopped, but the farmers' market was miserable. I didn't even talk to Gus, just bought my essentials and came home. I intended to get up at 8am but managed to fall asleep instead of getting out of bed after snooze number 3 or 4, and woke up at 10. Didn't get to the library til almost 12, and just as I was getting into a groove it closed. This means I'll be there at 9:30 on Monday. Because it's closed all day Sunday outside of term. I've also broken into wikipedia for resources (quoting the books I was looking at in the library) and may soon exploit Google Books. I do have a good amount of stuff. It's definitely doable. Now I just have to stop talking about how doable it is, listen to myself and go do it!

Wish my new battery would arrive. I don't know why, but I am stuck on the idea that once it gets here life will suddenly be easier. Well, it will- moving the computer to a different room won't require a total hibernation any more. Maybe I'm looking at it backwards and the day the battery arrives is the day I'll have finished the hardest part of the dissertation. Prophetic, like.
On the bad side, something's iffy with my headphone jack these days. It needs to be jiggled for the left-hand speaker to play, though once it's tapped once it's fine. Talyn, just live through til the end of September. Actually, I don't know when I'll have the money to get a new computer, so you've got a while more living to do. A girl can only teach so many cover classes, and as well has to request time off for the High Holy Days (Boss J doesn't hate me yet, but she might soon if I keep needing time off!) and, you know, possibly book flights home for the Goy Holy Days, and continue to pay rent, and perhaps buy new clothing at some point, because I'll need it. Also I'm worried about my ear. If I'm not careful it may come down with an infection.

computer, weather, sick, dissertation, work

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