ok, karma, any time now

Jun 02, 2008 19:56

I've started to move into the new apartment. Of course, work couldn't give me my full paycheck, they still had emergency tax out, because Revenue registered me with a misspelling in my last name so work couldn't track me down. Honestly.
So I figured that out after, oh, two hours of waiting at IH, thinking the accounts dudes would, y'know, not have left at noon on payday despite it being a long bank holiday weekend. When the admin office came back from lunch this amazing girl Marta helped me out by calling every director, manager and owner she could think of who might be able to authorize a payment to me, because y'know I needed this big check specifically this weekend so I could pay the deposit for the new apartment. After an hour of trying, we got Ray (accounts man) on the horn. He told me the reason for the mistake and then told Marta to give me a credit card refund, which Marta assured me would be transferred immediately. Turns out it wasn't. Candice was getting a 400-euro loan from her parents, but her money didn't go through either because today was also a bank holiday in NZ. Thank God Seamus is laid-back or trusting enough about it to say I can give him the balance of it on Tuesday. Ugh.

Diarmaid told me on Wednesday that he didn't want to continue whatever it is we had, that not-boyfriend-girlfriend-but-still-somehow-exclusive thing. He saw me getting fond of him because he was able to listen to me, because he is sane and stable, and because he's one rung from me up on the dorkiness ladder (you all know this concept, I know you do- you fall for people one rung up, and people one rung down fall for you. that's the way the world works). It turns out all of that patience in listening to my linguistics geekery was just him being polite. He says there's no... for lack of a better word, spark when we talk. I told him I didn't need a spark, I just needed something comfortable and constant. He said people always like him for the wrong reasons, prefer traits about him that aren't his first thoughts about himself. Anyway, I'm done settling. We may keep some of the old perks, but the more I think about it, the less I need to. It'll be that way for a few weeks, of course, until I start craving. We'll see. He did say that his friends have urged him since forever to keep me around, so I do hope to show up to the occasional party still.

Speaking of, um, perks, I had an awesome dream about Nathan Fillion last night. I think it was an auspicious way to ring in the new apartment. K's ex Andy had been helping her move all day with his car, so he stuck around for a drink in the evening and got going button-pushing about Judaism. I need to learn to stop conversations about it, rather than feel the need to prove myself and my religion just so they know that a) I've made a conscious choice to do what I do and b) I'm educated about my religion in all its varieties and about others' hesitance to understand the things that I accept.

About the new apartment: it's in Ringsend, which I didn't realize until yesterday wasn't as posh as I thought. It's still nice enough. The accents around us are all low SEC, but I think the actual apartment complex is a bit nicer. And we are 4 feet away from this building that says "St. Patrick's Rowing Club" on the side. I've been googling this evening and haven't found much info, but can still hope. Awoke to techno- someone was blasting it all morning from 10 onward. And then K and I rejoiced in our new digs, came to my place and dossed around on the internet for a while, then met up with Wassim just as the Docklands Maritime Festival finished. On my way back, I found a fiver on the stairs into Goldsmith and used it to buy dinner food.

Tomorrow morning I will get up early, walk to IH to talk to Ray about emergency tax as well as the form you need when you get fired, and then invigilate an exam. In the afternoon I'll pack more. It's been sunny lately.

boys, dreams, work, apartment, bad day

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