if bad things come in threes, at least i'm finished with this set

May 22, 2008 23:36

1) pre-ints complaining monday
2) my laser card info was stolen; i have to turn in a fraud report and get a new one. they say two 50-euro withdrawals were made in spain... and that i'll be reimbursed.
3) was 40 minutes late to teaching today due to a late arrival and bruce-springsteen-concert-induced traffic

well hey, if the rule of three proves right, then at least feedback with Mary tomorrow won't be too bad- or it'll start off another chain of three. God knows. But seriously, I'm teaching four hours next week- getting other hours from invigilation and they're too sporadic to put me in any one daytime teaching shift. And I'm going to be really glad for the break. I think it's what I needed. It will refocus my mind and remind me that I have to make every lesson special, not just run in there and flounder around for two hours in my native tongue.

worried, teaching, bad day

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